The number of guests in the rural tourism farms is decreasing: the owners feel comfortable that it is temporary


According to the Panevėžys Development Agency, 22 rural tourism farms have been registered in this district.

Vilanda Reikalienė, the agency’s director of tourism projects, believes that there may be more people. Experience shows that not all entrepreneurs engaged in this activity are in a hurry to notify the State Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights about the services provided. According to V. Reikalienė, the number of developing rural tourism farms has steadily increased until 2020.

“Of course, the guests of the rural tourism farms are more attracted to those farms, which are located by the water. Although the Panevėžys district has only one lake, our farms are located next to the rivers, often their owners They have dug a pond. And next to the ponds there are also saunas, bathtubs and visitors are also happy with these services, “said the manager of the tourism project.

V. Reikalienė noted that the resourceful owners of the district’s farms raise alpacas, Angora goats and horses; animals have become an excellent part of the tourist attraction. Farms that offer education are also popular, especially those that produce exclusive food.

According to the representative of the Development Agency, the strict quarantine in the Panevėžys district did not destroy any farms, their activities continue, only during the heat of the pandemic were they suspended. And now is the time when rural tourism is on the rebound: farms are being reserved en masse for family celebrations and entertainment.

From newlyweds to companies

May 24 became a kind of recovery day for rural tourism farms. Those who have been vaccinated, vaccinated, screened and have evidence that they are not sick can be reunited, and rural tourism farms can receive clients.

“People longed for the festivities so much that they came to celebrate the first day of the farm’s liberation,” said Dainius Januškevičius, who founded two rural tourism farms in the village of Breiviškės, the Karsakiškis elder estate.

Its owner said that the longing for holidays and communication is evidenced by the fact that by the end of September, the farms were already booked for all weekends. The employer estimates that there are not many vacancies left in summer and during the week.

Mr. Januškevičius mentioned that students, companies, a group of friends and other clients will celebrate at home on weekdays. The workshop is also planned by a factory workshop.

When asked whether the pandemic seriously damaged his business, Mr. Januškevičius did not immediately reply. According to the owner of the farms, he was lucky in a way, because during the pandemic he had provided shelter for workers who had built a solar power plant in Kupiškis district, Skverbui. So the money in your pocket fell anyway.

Celebrate more culturally

In Lithuania, many services have become more or more expensive, but Mr. Januškevičius stated that he did not increase the rental prices of his properties. A weekend in one of their houses can cost around 1,700 euros, in another, 400 euros. In the latter, in addition to this amount, EUR 15 per bed is requested.

According to D. Januškevičius, the relatively high price discouraged those who rented farms from upgrading and disposing of them in a remote location.

“Not just me, but all the other rural tourism farm owners are noticing that the clientele is really getting more cultural. As a result, it is much easier for us to work and the neighbors of the farms no longer have problems with noise caused by the guests, ”said D. Januškevičius, who is dedicated to rural tourism.

He also notes that farms consume significantly less alcohol during the holidays.

“I remember the time when we started this business, we made a menu and customers demanded that each diner be served 0.75 liters of liquor. Now everyone asks for between 300 and 400 grams, in rare cases, half a liter of strong alcohol, “said the businessman.

Fewer people at parties

On farms, not only are the rivers of alcohol dwindling, but the number of guests is dwindling. Now, according to D. Januškevičius, the standard number of wedding guests is 30. Before the pandemic, there were almost double.

They also meet for family reunions, anniversaries, and other family celebrations. At least, according to the businessman, the guests are invited to a christening.

Since the two farms of D. Januškevičius next to the river Lėvens are offered to rent kayaks, there is a boat, which is also offered at no extra charge. A sauna is heated for those who wish it.

“I would not have done that in the first year of the farm’s existence, but now that there are no companies celebrating in the houses, I also provide accommodation for people. It would cost 30 euros a couple and 15 euros a night,” said the owner of the farm .

Estates of D. Januševičius were also ordered for Joniniai.

“We warn customers that the farms were established in the forest, so there will be no St. John’s bonfires,” said the owner.

Busy until the end of the season

Akvilė Olšauskienė, owner of a rural tourism farm operating in the town of Šilų for the fourth season, said that during the coronavirus rage late last year and early this year, customers rushed to place orders for the summer. So the house was booked very quickly until the end of October.

“We still have some places during the week, but not many,” said A. Olšauskienė.

Her villa, according to the owner, exclusively celebrates weddings, which are usually quite luxurious celebrations when the guests gather for fifty and more.

Renting a banquet hall in this rural tourism farm costs from 1,000. 500 to 2 thousand. 500 euros. The hostess agrees that the price is high, but assured that the celebration will be beautiful, beautiful, delicious, the room decorated.

Created an object of attraction

And on the outskirts of the Panevėžys district, in the village of Žibartoniai, Dalia Atkočiūnienė, who founded a rural tourism farm, did not hide without having many orders for the summer. The businesswoman said that the fact that the property itself is not large makes it difficult to organize large celebrations.

“We can only offer to sleep in one room. This is not always what clients want, so they rent a house for a day. We usually celebrate family celebrations and various anniversaries. We also come to eat a sad lunch,” said D. Atkočiūnienė .

He was glad that although the farm’s possibilities are limited, the beauty is endless – after planting a huge field of hydrangeas.

“The bushes bloom in July, then we have more visitors. We cannot offer any special entertainment, but we offer the beauty of the rings. The guests walk among them, take photos, rejoice,” says the businesswoman.

Last year, according to D. Atkočiūnienė, compared to the previous year, the farm’s income was cut in half. She is comforted that at least during the winter, the workers had settled on the farm, fulfilling an order in the neighboring Radviliškis district, Pociūnėliai.

Now, in the summer months, Mr. Atkočiūnienė rents the house for 500–800 euros on weekends. In winter, the prices were much lower.

The farm does not receive a buyer

While some farm owners wait for customers, others are already looking for buyers. A well-known rural tourism property has been sold for some time by the Nevėžis River in the Krekenava Regional Park. For this, 480 thousand are requested. euros.

Darius Normantas, a representative of a real estate agency that sells it, said he could not comment on the owners’ motives for ending that business. When calling the estate proper, it was explained that one of the estate’s owners had gone to Australia, so it was decided to sell the property in Lithuania. The farm has been for sale for several years, but there are no clients who are willing to buy it.
