The number of doctors with COVID-19 is growing: it approaches 400


Like at the beginning of the week 15 minutes NVSC reported, the number of health professionals confirmed to have COVID-19 infection was 356.

However, as of June 11, the number of patients increased to 371.

According to Jurgita Sejonienė, deputy director of the Lithuanian Medical Movement, the number should not be overstated.

Personal Stock Photo / Jurgita Sejonienė

Personal Stock Photo / Jurgita Sejonienė

“It just came to our attention then. At the start of the epidemic, we really had much higher growth and we can see that the morbidity of healthcare workers has stabilized throughout the period,” she says.

According to J. Sejonienė, periodic testing of employees against COVID-19 and their provision of protective equipment helped control morbidity. According to the expert, these actions will be necessary even after the second wave.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas (VUL Santara Clinics) / Doctors fighting the coronavirus

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas (VUL Santara Clinics) / Doctors fighting the coronavirus

Admittedly, the doctor notes that the incidence of health workers in Lithuania remains high compared to other countries.

“It just came to our attention then. In other countries, the incidence is reported to be around 16 percent,” says the deputy director of the Medical Movement.

In total, more than 1,750 people in the country are confirmed with coronavirus.

VIDEO: J.Sejonienė, a representative of the medical movement, on the number of sick doctors and the preparation for the second wave of COVID-19
