The number of diseases in Alytus grows: the coronavirus has already affected four communities of educational institutions


October 29, 2020

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) released data on the spread of the coronavirus infection in Lithuania on Thursday, October 29. The number of new people with COVID-19 confirmed yesterday in Lithuania was 950, in Alytus County – 7 new cases.

The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus disease in the country is 13 thousand. 88, the number of sick people – 8 thousand. 301, the number of people in isolation (sick, exposed, arrivals from the affected areas, who were issued resolutions within the corresponding 14-day period) is close to 30 thousand (28 thousand 756).

As Janina Dvilinskienė, Head of the Infectious Disease Management Division of the Alytus Department of the Ministry of Health, reported to the news portal, in a primary education in the city of Alytus (Kindergarten “apples”) identified a case of COVID-19, workers and exposed persons were isolated.

In two more preschools in the city (Basic school “Sakalėlis” and kindergarten “Saulutė”) A case of COVID-19 was detected in workers and close contacts were isolated. The implementation of measures for the prevention of coronavirus infection in institutions has been strengthened.

As confirmed by our Alytus City Council portal, there are currently 24 employees of educational institutions and a specialist from the Department of Education and Sports of the city municipality in self-isolation, and another 20 educators from the capital Dzūkija are forced to take COVID-19 tests.

He entered the educational institutions of the municipality of the city of Alytus, where cases of COVID-19 were identified S t. Benedict Gymnasium, which class (after one of the students had contact with a person with coronavirus) is forced to study at a distance.

As reported by to the Alytus Department of the NVSC under the Ministry of Health, Birutė Battalion COVID-19 cases have been identified in two Alytus residents, and there are 26 people in self-isolation.


A case related to the outbreak has also been registered in the territory of the NVSC Alytus department At the Prienai ambulance station, registered cases and family members.
