The Nord Stream 2 pipeline is being rebuilt in the Baltic Sea


Neither the threat of new sanctions nor the arrest of Russian opponent Alexei Navaln have stopped the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. The company announces the resumption of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline laying work in Danish waters.

Added: German Finance Minister says pipeline cannot be linked to human rights issues.

The Fortuna pipelaying vessel has successfully completed offshore resumption tests and began operating in Danish waters, reported Nord Stream 2, operated by Russian gas company Gazprom.

The company’s report highlights that the work is being carried out with all permits, Interfax cites.

Fortuna is expected to operate in Danish waters by the end of May, and the pipeline will be completed in German waters via birel. According to the plan, Fortuna is said to lay about 400 meters of pipe per day, but the pace of construction is affected by weather and weather conditions. Specific monitoring plans and construction progress for Nord Stream 2 will be announced later.

Loss of years due to penalties

The Russian ship Fortuna received permission to work in Danish waters in mid-January and has been continuously maneuvering in the Baltic Sea ever since. Russia had to acquire and adapt its pipeline for the laying of the pipeline when in 2019. At the end of 2007, the ships of the Swiss company Allseas withdrew from the project due to the threat of US sanctions.

A total of 148 km of the 1,230 km long Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline remain to be built. Approximately 120 km of the pipeline remained in Danish waters and less than 30 km in the German part of the sea.

With the construction of the second pipeline, the total design capacity of Nord Stream will double with the pipeline in Germany, which could reach 55 billion. puppy. m natural gas rusik per year.

Gazprom resumed work on Nord Stream 2 after months of diplomatic issues and despite new US sanctions.

It is likely that in mid-January the United States imposed sanctions on Fortuna and its owner, KVT-RUS. The US Department of Idea reports that the ship and the company are subject to sanctions under the CAATSA (Anti-Sanctions Act).

The sanctions for the Nord Stream 2 project are foreseen in the 2021 financial budget approved by the US Congress.

Several companies have recently announced their withdrawal from the project. Among them is the German construction and engineering company Bilfinger, the Swiss insurer Zurich Insurance Group Ltd.

10 billion Eur pipeline construction froze in 2019 at the end of the year due to US sanctions approved by President Donald Trump. These sanctions include the freezing of assets and the prohibition of issuing visas to companies and their employees directly involved in the work.

Works were renewed in 2020. In December, when Fortuna placed the 2.6-kilometer section of Nord Stream 2 in Germany’s exclusive economic zone, construction later stalled.

Germany is on the right track

Deutsche Welle notes that US President Joe Biden views the pipeline as bad business for Europe and that his administration intends to impose more sanctions on pipeline operators.

Some European countries, including Lithuania, have criticized the pipeline for Russia’s longest run in Europe. Nord Stream 2 could also be subject to EU sanctions against Russia for the imprisonment of opposition leader Alexei Navaln. France on Monday asked Germany to abandon the project and thus protest against the prisoner of Navaln.

Yet despite the fact that even after Moscow sent German, Polish and Swedish diplomats to participate in the Navalnoalininkai protests, German Chancellor Amgela Merkel said on Friday that Navalno’s arrest would not affect the pipeline project.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz also supports Germany’s position, describing Nord Stream 2 as a European project.

Those who think that the new pipeline would be useful only for Russia are wrong, S. Kurz told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper yesterday.

EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell, who is visiting Moscow this week, has revealed that Nord Stream 2 is a private project and cannot be thwarted by the European Commission.

German Economy Minister Peter Almaier joined the country’s politicians on Sunday and said the reaction to human rights in Russia should not be linked to the gas pipeline project, DW said.

Decades of business relationships and business projects are one thing, and serious human rights abuses and our reaction to them are another, Almaier told Bild am Sonntag.

He also assured that contractors must continue to work superstitiously on the project.

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