The NKL season started with the opening of a new arena and the failure of Ryto endorsements / News


The 2021-2022 season of 7bet-NKL started in Vilkaviškis, where a new arena was opened.

Man of the match
Rokas Stankevičius



Rokas Stankevičius







Effective transfers


The local Perla (1-0) did not spoil the celebrations of the city and began the season with a victory, 88:77 (16:19, 24:20, 24:13, 24:25) beating the Pearl Energy of Vilnius (0-1).

The hosts broke the duel after the break: at the beginning of the third quarter, “Pearls” accelerated 8-0 (48:41), and at the end of the quarter they won the section 11: 0 – 64:50.

In the decisive part of the match, the Karolis Abramavičius army confidently controlled the events in the square and delighted the spectators gathered at the Vilkaviškis Sports and Entertainment Center with a victory.

The winners gave up to 24 assists, when the guests successfully shared the ball much less often – 11 times.

Rokas Stankevičius stood out among the hosts with 20 points won (6/7 double, 2/3 trit., 2/2 penalty). The forward bounced 9 more balls in 28 minutes, had 4 assists, made the same number of errors and scored 33 utility points.

Jacob Rubin scored 14 points (2/6 round trip, 3/7 trit., 1/2 penalty) for the capital team. The player made 4 assists in 28 minutes and scored 8 utility points.

“Pearl”: Rokas Stankevičius 20 (6/7 doubles, 9 reps, 33 users), Mantas Šerkšnas 18 (17 min., 7/9 doubles, 5), Ernestas Naruševičius 15 (7/11 dvit., 7 atm. Kam .).

“Pearl Energy”: Jacob Rubin 14, Augustas Kiudulas 13, Modestas Babraitis and Adas Šimonis (0/7 dvit.) 9 each.
