“The next few weeks will be critical for our nation”: I. Šimonytė told what awaits us after that.


Mindaugas Stankūnas, a professor at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, who started the discussion, noted that 142 people died from COVID-19 last week, which is almost identical to the number of Seimas members.

The researcher assured that the number of deaths from COVID-19 will only increase and, pointing to the effective reproduction rate of the virus of 1.17, said that COVID-19 still infects many people.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mindaugas Stankūnas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mindaugas Stankūnas

For this to change, according to him, the mobility of the population must decrease, the introduction of the ban on small gatherings, the closure of educational institutions and restrictions on the movement of people must help.

M. Stankūnas assured that the closure of unnecessary businesses can also have an effect.

Vaidotas Zemlys-Balevičius, a data researcher at Euromonitor International, presented the weekly growth data for COVID-19 cases and said that we were not achieving any negative growth.

“We have had a roller coaster ride since October and we are not achieving any negative growth.” If we continue to have such a situation, sadly, there will be nothing good, “he said.

The scientist stated that the bad situation with the spread of COVID-19 is registered in all Lithuanian counties, and the stricter quarantine restrictions that have just come into force are not yet yielding results.

“The restrictions imposed were yesterday, have we already reached the peak? The answer is no, because death follows, – taught V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

– The death toll is about two weeks behind. All those people who are sick now, we will see their deaths and their peaks in just two weeks, they will be the deaths of the people who are infected now at Christmas and New Years.

The researcher noted that large tests, which are too small in Lithuania, are especially important for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“If there were enough tests, which is not enough now, rapid tests are still delayed, which means that we do not see the true extent of the epidemic. <...> The situation may be such that we have twice as many numbers as now, “said V. Zemlys-Balevičius.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Vaidotas Zemlys-Balevičius

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Vaidotas Zemlys-Balevičius

He asked the Seimas to consider introducing a state of emergency.

Although the government has introduced restrictions, and I hope they will take effect, we must have a plan B.

“Although the government has introduced restrictions, and I hope they will take effect, we need to have a plan B. <...> The Seimas must begin to consider the introduction of a state of emergency to establish it, <...> because current measures may not help, “warned the scientist.

Professor V. Kasiulevičius assured that “the next few weeks will be critical for our nation” and “everything will depend on the concentration and determination of our people to limit unnecessary contacts.”

He agreed that the experts’ proposals to limit meetings, close schools and the like are very strict.

“We are aware of the consequences for the economy, but I want to say that we should not be under any illusions: doctors must make decisions today to rescue patients,” Kassievicius said, saying that residents should stay home until the end of the holidays. , unless they need the necessary medical attention. psychological assistance or must work.

“It just came to our attention then. The tests do not reveal the real situation, because the laboratories are crowded and the number of positive tests is too large for him to tell us anything,” said Prime Minister I. Šimonytė from the Seimas rostrum. .

He marveled at criticism from the opposition that the government was discriminating against small businesses. I. Šimonytė stated that the outgoing government introduced very similar measures to restrict business activities, when the number of COVID-19 cases was much lower.

“It seems that the attitude towards decisions changes when the position of the body in relation to the government changes, so I am very sorry,” commented I. Šimonytė and discussed what he hopes if the number of new cases of COVID-19 can be reduced. .

Then, he said, local action will be taken.

“The purpose of the restrictions approved by the government is to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases so that traditional control measures can be reapplied,” the prime minister said. And during that time, it is planned to begin receiving vaccines and expand testing.

When can this happen? <...> If quarantine restrictions are followed in a more or less conventional and more or less universal way, we can expect the number of new infections to reach the level of 500 to 700 infections by the end of January. This is when the end of the quarantine is scheduled. Then it will be possible to talk about it <...> we could apply local measures where needed and of course start vaccination as widely as possible, ”taught I. Šimonytė.

“If the requirements were not met during the holidays, if people still decided that the holidays were more important than the health and life of their loved ones, then in January we would unfortunately have a new recurrence and we would have to wait another month for that reduction “, said. .

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