The new Seimas embarks on his work: elects the president of the Seimas and his deputies


After the solemn part of the ceremony, the elections for the President of the Seimas are organized in the Seimas session, after which their deputies are elected, the time is formed to form factions and the composition of the Board of the Seimas is approved and the Conference of Elders.

We invite you to watch the broadcast of the meeting:

The first meeting is usually very long and lasts until the evening. For comparison, the first 2016-2020 Seimas session lasted almost 9.5 hours.

At the beginning of the first session, the parliament must decide on the candidacy of the Prime Minister by the President of the Republic, form the committees of the Seimas and approve its presidents and deputies, consider the Government program presented by the Prime Minister and prepare the work program for the fall session.

The only candidate

The only candidate for spokesperson for the Seimas is Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, spokesperson for the Liberal Movement. Whether she will become the president of the Seimas, parliamentarians will decide by secret ballot on Friday night.

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen was appointed head of parliament according to the agreement of the center-right coalition.

V. Čmilytė’s candidacy for the president of the Seimas was presented to the Seimas by the faction leader of the Liberal Movement Eugenijus Gentvilas, who collected the signatures of 65 members of the Seimas. She is the only candidate. Before the vote, the Seimas member addressed the Seimas:

“I’m here and I’m running for president of the Seimas because I highly value fair politics and the traditions it dictates. It takes a lot more time to establish them than to create a set of rules or a law.”

We invite you to watch the broadcast of the meeting:

He stressed that the condition for his candidacy was a coalition agreement, according to which the Seimas should agree to act.

“I think this ruling coalition agreement, which we, the three parties, have developed as like-minded people, is a step forward in our political culture.”

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen noted that Seimas’ work so far has focused more on quantity of legislation than quality, adding that “this should not be the case.”

“It is necessary to establish clear and rational criteria when forming the Seimas agenda and to follow them. The rules on urgency and extreme urgency should be limited. This often leads to poor quality and instability in the entire legal system. “

(58 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. The first session of the Seimas

Focus on Covid-19

He acknowledged that there is a large list of works on the horizon of the Seimas, one of the most important is the management of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We will need a consensus on solutions to the greatest challenge of the decade. I think the understanding that Lithuania needs concentration from all of us has been maintained and will be demonstrated more than once by the works,” said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

“The Seimas cannot withdraw or isolate itself from solving the most important state problems, such as those related to the pandemic. The Seimas must actively participate in processes so important to the entire state and cannot lose its leadership,” added V. Čmilytė -Nielsen.

Questions raised about the feast of judgment

“You have to play two in chess, you will be alone here. How do you rate that you have been democratically chosen among a candidate? Are there no candidates in Lithuania in this Seimas who, in your opinion, could occupy these positions?” Vytautas Bakas asked to the candidates.

Another parliamentary issue was related to the fact that the Liberal Movement is a test party.

“How do you reconcile the fact of being a representative of a party tried in a corruption case? How do you intend to reconcile this with the high standards of morality, ethics, high political culture? Do you think this is normal?” V. Bakas asked. .

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen stated that he had no personal connection to the corruption case. The politician noted that in the last elections voters have expressed their confidence in the Liberal Movement and in person.

“This is probably the greatest encouragement and assurance for me that I have the moral right to be on this rostrum today,” declared V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

The Social Democrat Algirdas Sysas asked whether V. Čmilytė-Nielsen agrees with the idea of ​​the former president of the Seimas and his faction colleague Viktoras Pranckietis that the minority should obey the majority.

“I have probably answered this question about five times in the last week. Let me remind you that the representatives of our group were the most likely to criticize.” I am very happy that the liberals are the people, the politicians who are not angry about the criticism, “said the liberal leader.

Seek to ensure uninterrupted work

Even before the fateful Seimas session, V. Čmilytė-Nielsen told reporters that he was going to go see him in a good mood.

“We have big decisions to make today, but these are of course only the first of all the big decisions that we will have to make. No, I’m not too worried. You know, you can never be sure about the support. I’m grateful to the partners. from the coalition that supported my candidacy at this stage, who nominated me. This is a consensus. I think this is a good precondition for a good result today, “V. Čmilytė-Nielsen told reporters.

It is true that she was not willing to say what she intended to do differently from the former Seimas spokesperson.

“Today we are thinking first about what to do to keep the parliament functioning, regardless of the situation with the pandemic. Apparently, this will be one of the first jobs,” said the politician.

An important position awaits you

According to the Statute of the Seimas, a member of the Seimas elected President of the Seimas must suspend his activities in the faction of the Seimas members.

The President of the Seimas presides over the sessions of the Seimas, supervises their order, controls the performance of their functions by the Vote Counting Group and the Secretariat of the Seimas sessions. The president of the Seimas will not participate in the debates and may not otherwise influence the members of the Seimas with respect to the decisions that are made.

According to the provisions of the Constitution, the President of the Seimas will replace the President in the event of death, resignation, removal from office in accordance with the impeachment procedure or when the Seimas decides that the health status of the President does not allow him to occupy the position.

In this case, the President of the Seimas loses his powers in the Seimas, where his functions are temporarily performed by his alternate on behalf of the Seimas.

The President of Seimas also joins the State Defense Council together with the President, Prime Minister, Ministers of National Defense and the Commander of the Armed Forces. This council discusses the most important issues of state defense.
