The new restrictions will not apply not only to passport of opportunity, but also to medical records.


“According to the rules currently approved by the Minister of Health, one of the medical documents of the electronic health system can be used instead of the Opportunity Passport: an EU digital COVID certificate, a vaccination statement, a document that prove COVID-19 or a negative test result. “, – writes the ministry’s comment to BNS.

“These documents, which cannot be accessed by themselves, can be issued by your health institution,” he said.

Until now, a passport was available for vaccination opportunities after a disease was confirmed by PCR or antigen testing, as well as for individuals undergoing testing. Starting Monday, this opportunity should also arise for relapsing individuals who have a positive antibody test result.

According to the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, the passport is currently valid for one month, but from next week the validity should be extended to two months.

Diana Vilytė, Director of Service Management at the Registry Center, draws attention to the fact that the Government has established a maximum validity limit of 210 days for people with disabilities to use the access passport. This means that if the passport is withdrawn a few days before the end of this period, it will not be valid for two months.

“After this deadline and upon verification of said passport, a red signal will light up,” a spokeswoman for the Registry Center told BNS.

According to her, the same procedure will apply even if the government includes antibody tests, they have a period of 60 days.

Retirees worry, ministry promises solutions

Grasilda Makarevičienė, director of the Lithuanian Association of the Elderly, told BNS that the new procedure will be especially inconvenient for retirees.

“Nonsense, I don’t even know what to name this thing. Not all people our age can use these technologies. Here these procedures are created in offices and people who live in remote areas are not cared for at all,” explained the woman .

He added that the situation is not facilitated by the withdrawal of the opportunity passport in the branches of the Registry Center. There are 50 in your country.

“There are no branches in the outermost regions. In the big cities, we take a taxi and take it, but you have to think of all the people. In remote areas, the bus goes downtown only once a day and you have to travel a long way. I walk before, ”said G. Makareviciene.

The ministry says solutions are being sought and should be taken in the near future.

“In the near future, we plan to expand the number of places to collect physical passports.” Options are currently being discussed, “the comment said.

According to the ministry, it is also being decided how to facilitate the issuance of an opportunity passport for minors from 16 years of age. Currently, if minors do not have electronic banking or electronic signature, parents can obtain an opportunity passport for them at the branches of the Registry Center.

Passport of opportunity, according to the Registry Center, but once collected online about 700 thousand. people. It was printed in the offices of the Center of Records for 13 thousand. together.

Next week, the government is expected to introduce new restrictions that allow some activities to be allowed only with a passport for opportunities.
