the new restrictions and quarantine will not depend on the number of COVID-19 cases; everything will be determined by another indicator


“The further we advance, the more we will have to focus not on the established number of cases, but on the number of symptomatic cases and those that require hospital treatment in the intensive care unit. It goes without saying that the percentage of mortality from COVID-19 will be very important.

The total number of cases, especially asymptomatic ones, should not initiate far-reaching restrictions and limitations, ”said the specialist to the Lietuvos Rytas television program, Nauja diena.

He recalled that a significant part of the population had already been immunized. Therefore, the most severe cases of the virus, which are a burden on the health system, should become the main criterion.

Muscles will not be required to be vaccinated or evaluated

The NEPT members meeting Monday discussed what it would be like to return the children to school in September. M.Strioga said no concrete decisions have been made, but the foundation is already being laid for the live education of students.

“The decisions are not yet final, but the framework for what is being prepared has already been established <...> Testing and vaccination are mandatory for children to return, but will not be a prerequisite.

Older students will decide this with their parents. In the case of younger children, this is only a parent’s decision. But there will be no obligation or requirement for that ”, assured Mr. Tririoga.

According to him, the question of wearing face masks received a lot of attention. The idea of ​​standardizing the use of these tools has been raised. It has been observed that a frequent child wears a reusable cloth mask, but experts have pointed out that they are not as effective.

However, it is questionable whether all parents will be able to provide their children with medical face masks. Therefore, it is considered that educational institutions themselves could buy them and distribute them to children.

“Several recommendations are being considered to reduce the chances of the infection spreading indoors. Means for this: ventilation is proposed, disinfection of surfaces, the use of special devices to measure CO2 levels. This would allow recording when it has been a lot of exhaled air has accumulated in the room and there is a risk of a higher concentration of the virus, ”said M.Strioga.

According to him, as the number of illnesses increases, it would not be an attack to close all schools again. In the event of a virus outbreak, local quarantine measures are planned.

“If there are outbreaks in Vilnius, the quarantine will not be introduced in Skuodas, Klaipėda or Panevėžys. There, education and other activities will not be restricted. Quarantines should be regional according to the situation in a particular place,” said the oncologist .

What about doctors who don’t vaccinate?

Strict measures are already being taken in some European countries to encourage people to get vaccinated. The French plan to prevent healthcare workers who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 from continuing to work, and in Latvia, managers will be able to fire an unvaccinated worker from September.

M.Strioga agreed that the need to be vaccinated for representatives of certain professions is justified. “Especially if we are talking about the medical community. If at least one person admitted to the hospital becomes infected with an unvaccinated doctor, it is simply unethical, “said the oncologist.

He remembered that this would not even be a new practice. Part of the vaccine against infectious diseases has been mandatory for doctors for a long time.

“Doctors must know that we are in that chain, we must treat people and protect their health, not make them sick. In this case, vaccinating doctors, in my opinion, would be reasonable, ”said Mr. Tririoga.

He added that there was no indication that the COVID-19 vaccine had harmful long-term effects. Therefore, doctors should not be the doubters.

Mandatory vaccination is also good news for other professions. Additional security is required by the work of a veterinarian, a forester, and the hobby of hunting. “The medical community must make the decision to vaccinate and not oppose it,” said M. Strioga.

The doctor pointed out that contradictions in this regard should also arise within the expert council itself. Approaches may differ as the board includes professionals from diverse backgrounds. In addition, what are the consequences for a doctor who does not agree to be vaccinated is a separate issue.

“If, say, a vet refused to get a rabies shot? What would happen to him? Probably, a license would simply not be issued, “explained the doctor.
