The new list of affected countries and regions includes three European countries


The negative response test could not be performed within 48 hours. until arrival in Lithuania. The test can also be performed on arrival in Lithuania, but isolation is mandatory until a negative coronavirus test result is obtained, according to the SAM report.

SAM recalls that following the introduction of a new mutation in COVID-19 in the UK that is believed to spread the virus more quickly, the government on Sunday December 20 banned all passenger flights from the UK. In addition, people from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are not covered by any of the exemptions provided in isolation: all travelers from that country must isolate themselves or take tests. A Ministerial Order listing the entire United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is available at here.

Compared to last week’s data, Slovenia has been removed from the list of affected countries and regions.

Depending on morbidity and other indicators, countries are divided into green, yellow, red and gray areas. When Lithuania is in the red zone, only the countries and regions in the gray zone are considered affected countries.

The gray area includes countries that do not provide data to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) or that have 300 or fewer tests per 100,000 patients in 7 days. population.

The gray area also includes all third countries (non-EEA countries) that are not included in the maps of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

People arriving or passing through the affected countries will be considered to have been in contact and will be isolated for 10 days or will be required to be present at most 48 hours in advance. a coronavirus (COVID-19) test performed prior to arrival in Lithuania and a negative response.

It should be noted that the test can be performed on arrival in Lithuania, but isolation is mandatory until a negative coronavirus test is obtained. Foreigners from third countries cannot provide the results of the investigation, but must isolate themselves or carry out the investigation in Lithuania. However, even with a negative test result, it is recommended to limit the number of contacts and not visit the meeting places for 10 days after returning or arriving in Lithuania. Persons traveling by plane through the affected countries without leaving the airport transit area will not be considered to have been in contact.

The Ministry of Health (SAM) recalls that travelers traveling on international routes organized and operated by carriers on regular, special and charter flights for all modes of transport must register on the website of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) ( form) and before entering the vehicle to send the carrier a confirmation of the completed electronic form (QR code), and in other cases, no later than 12 hours after the upon return or arrival in Lithuania, you must register with the NVSC.

The list of affected countries is published every Friday, takes effect on Monday, and is valid for one week.

HERE you can see a virtual map of the affected countries, developed by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control according to the traffic light principle.
