The new isolation conditions are defined in detail: the rules also apply to family members


The isolation requirements in a home or other residence are defined in the Operations Manager’s decision on October 23.

It establishes the following minimum conditions for isolation in a house or other accommodation:
 Other people (family members, etc.) cannot live together during isolation *. You have to be
isolated in a separate apartment / house or in another well insulated floor of an apartment / individual house with
a separate sanitary unit.

 If you are sick and isolated in a well-insulated floor of an apartment / individual house, for you
It is forbidden to go to common areas (corridor, kitchen, etc.), food and other necessary facilities
other people must exit through the outer door of their isolation room.

* In exceptional cases according to the NVSC, if the patient or other people living with
until diagnosis of COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection), refuses to isolate
in another place of residence and agrees to live in the same apartment / house, the patient and those who live together

or it should be isolated in separate well-ventilated rooms;

or you should restrict movement in the home and reduce the sharing of common space, make sure common areas (eg kitchen, bathroom) are well ventilated (eg store
open windows);

and it is recommended to limit the number of caregivers. Ideally, the patient should be cared for by people who are in good health and free from chronic diseases;

and the patient is advised to use a separate toilet if possible;

and the patient must eat in his room;

and family members living with the patient are exposed individuals who must isolate themselves for 14 days after the last day of contact

These environmental and personal hygiene requirements must be met.

According to the rules, it is necessary to ensure the following environmental and personal hygiene requirements:

1. Dispose of household garbage in a garbage can with a sealed bag.
The waste is disposed of together with other household waste.

2. Wash clothes with normal detergents at 60-90 ° C.

3. Wash dishes in hot water and regular detergents or use a dishwasher.

4. Sanitize frequently touched surfaces with an alcohol sanitizer of the same strength.
it is not less than 70%, or household bleach with a chlorine concentration of 0.5%.

5. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. If it is not possible to wash your hands, it may be
Alcoholic hand sanitizers (alcohol hand sanitizers) are used. Hands
washing is necessary before and after cooking, before eating, going to the bathroom and when hands are
obviously dirty.

6. After washing your hands with soap and water, dry them with disposable paper.

7. To contain respiratory secretions, medical advice is recommended.
masks should be used as often as possible, especially if you have to interact with other people (when collecting food, going to a health professional, etc.). If you can’t tolerate it
medical masks, you must follow the cough and sneeze etiquette: cover your mouth and nose
napkin when coughing or sneezing, and discard the used napkin in the trash. Yes napkins
don’t have it, cover your mouth with your elbow, not your palm, coughing or sneezing.

8. Ventilate the premises at least 2-3 times a day (open the windows wide for 10 minutes)
or draft inside for a few minutes).

9. Clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces in the room daily, such as
Bedside tables, bed bases and other bedroom furniture. First of all, cleaning should be used.
ordinary soap or detergent. Disinfection is carried out after cleaning, for example with household bleach,
wherein the chlorine concentration is 0.5 percent. (diluted 1:50), or based on alcohol
produced disinfectant.

10. Clean and disinfect bathroom and toilet surfaces at least once

11. If other people live together:

11.1. Wear medical masks that cover your mouth and nose when communicating, keep
a safe distance (at least 2 meters) and shorten the contact time as much as possible;

11.2. being in common spaces should be used by both the patient and the people who live together
medical masks that cover the mouth and nose. The mask should not be touched during use. If the mask

wet or contaminated with secretions, it must be replaced immediately. Remove the mask without touching
front surface. The mask must be discarded immediately after use and hand hygiene;
11.3. use bedding, cutlery, etc. separated;

11.4. Clean and disinfect frequently touched bathroom and toilet surfaces.
every time they are used.

12. After insulation, it is important to take care of the insulation of the house or
disinfection of another place of residence before other people settle there. Isolation
Carpets, upholstered furniture and other items in the home or other place of residence should be avoided.
Porous surfaces that are difficult to disinfect.

General rules for people subject to isolation:

Do not leave the isolation area except as directed. To or from a point of isolation if
necessary to carry out investigations or in other specified cases, travel by public transport is prohibited.

● A person who has arrived or returned from a foreign country can go for a walk in the countryside.
at a distance of no more than 1 km from the isolation area and with nasal and mouth covers
protective equipment (masks, respirators or other means). Prohibited
to visit meeting places (events, shops, museums, public
catering establishments, etc.). If the person is contacted by agents conducting isolation
inspection of persons to verify compliance with isolation requirements, the person must return to the isolation site.

● People in contact with COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) who do not have symptoms of an acute viral respiratory infection and cannot transmit it to others.
For the care of pets, you may go out with the pet for no more than 15 minutes. wear protective equipment that covers the nose and mouth at all times (masks, respirators, or
other means) and avoiding any contact with other people.

It is forbidden to visit places where people meet (events, shops, museums, restaurants, etc.). If a person is contacted by officials who inspect isolated persons to verify compliance with isolation requirements, the person should return to the isolation site immediately.

● Stay in regular contact with your current healthcare professional.

● Do not accept guests / visitors at all times during isolation.

● Take care of food and other necessary facilities remotely: ask friends or family or contact companies that provide necessary facilities or food delivery services; if this is not possible, these services must be provided by the municipalities.

● If your prescription needs to be written, contact your family doctor remotely.

● If you have scheduled visits to specialist doctors, dentists, which you can postpone, change the date of the visit to a later date.

● Measure body temperature daily and monitor its condition due to shortness of breath *. If your condition deteriorates, contact the Coronavir hotline at 1808.

* Often, shortness of breath is psychological in origin. It is important to assess whether breathing at rest (more than 20 bpm) or dyspnea persists at rest.

Insulation term

For people exposed to COVID-19 (coronavirus infection), the deadline is 14 days from the last day of exposure if the study on COVID-19 (coronavirus infection)
infection) or less if a test for COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) was performed within 10 days of isolation and was negative.

The isolation period is shortened when the NVSC receives information from the ESPBI IS about the negative result of the test performed during the specified period.

For people exposed to COVID-19 (coronavirus infection), the timeframe is 14 days from the last day of exposure if the COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) test is not performed or shorter if the COVID test -19 is performed no earlier than 10 days of isolation. (coronavirus infection) and a negative result was obtained.

What are the symptoms?

Clinical signs of COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection):
Labored breathing
Loss of taste and smell

According to the rules, if you have been exposed to COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) or have arrived / returned from abroad and had at least one of these symptoms during the period of isolation, call the Coronavir Hotline immediately at 1808 , report the circumstances (it should be noted, that you have been in contact with COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) or have been abroad for 14 days and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

How to behave after 14 days. period?

Yes within 14 days. does not occur from the last day of contact / return from a foreign state
symptoms, you are no longer considered at risk for the disease and may return to a normal lifestyle, according to the operations manager’s order.

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