The new head of the sea port of Klaipeda A. Latakas: “I will not make sudden movements” | Deal


On Monday, the Minister of Transport and Communications Jaroslav Narkevičius arrived in Klaipeda. He first introduced the new manager to management staff, followed by a media meeting. The Minister again received questions about the circumstances of the competition for the position of manager. He reiterated that the competition was transparent and that the members of the commission that led it were competent.

The beginning of leadership is at a difficult time.

A.Latakas introduces himself as an engineer and business consultant. In the municipal elections with the list of the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania, they tried to enter the Klaipeda Council, but without success.

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / / Klaipėda State Seaport Authority

Photo by Aurelija Jašinskienė / / Klaipėda State Seaport Authority

He has worked for a long time at Klasco, which belongs to the Achema Group. Ridiculously, he said he had felt “rejuvenated” for some time because the media still used old portraits taken 15-17 years ago. Realizing that he would be more of a media target from now on, he asked journalists to “notice the good things” that the port’s reputation had not been painted rosy in recent years.

A.Latakas admitted that he is coming to lead at a difficult time: Due to the global pandemic, cargo handling volumes in Klaipeda and other European ports have fallen. He recalled that the port has set a goal of doubling cargo handling by 2040.

No need to go

A. Latakas says that he does not intend to withdraw from some decisions, because he states that he sees no possible conflict of interest. He assures that working with strangers in the port would be impossible.

“When the commission (tender commission formed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications – BNS) decided and informed me that I was appointed and won the tender, everyone was told what my interests were and everyone was interested. “During those two months, during the inspection, I sincerely wanted it to happen, for all the services to discover it, to verify that there was no shadow, this issue has already been discussed and clarified, and I do not see any conflict of interest,” said A Latakas.

BNS recalls that A.Latakas, like Arvydas Vaitkus, the port manager fired last March, participated in last year’s Klaipėda Council elections together with some porter managers and financially supported the “peasants” party: A.Latakas transferred 3 thousand. EUR, A. Vaitkus – 17.65 thousand. euros However, A. Latakas did not participate in the council: he remained 11th in the list

According to COEC, this is not in itself a cause of conflict of interest, but if they do occur, you should steer clear of decisions related to these entrepreneurs.

The Seimas Anti-Corruption Commission asks prosecutors to examine and evaluate the material it has collected on the competence of the Klaipėda Port Administrator, the formation of his commission, his decisions and possible conflicts of interest of A. Attack.

“I don’t see a conflict of interest, especially since the ministry has additionally requested the Chief Commission on Official Ethics, the ministry has asked me for separate explanations of what could be wrong with this place, so all my responses are and really I don’t see a problem, “added Latak.

A.Latakas stated that his work with “unknown clients” at the port would be impossible.

“I have come or someone else has come, the port companies are clients of the port authority and it is impossible to work with an unknown client. If someone else had come, he would have met, but maybe it would take a year, even longer. You must know, otherwise it is impossible. I don’t see any problems, “said A. Latakas.

Pay attention to the environment.

He assured her that he would try “not to make sudden movements” when he took the lead. He is guided by this motto in life too. It is also due to the construction of the Port Authority, which, according to its predecessor, is morally obsolete, will only decide on the problem. “Everyone asks me what I will change, what I will do, but the port authority has clearly defined functions and plans. “I will follow them,” said the new manager. The new manager has assured that special attention will be paid to improving infrastructure: it is planned to invest 300 million euros in infrastructure over the next three years. EUR: the docks will be rebuilt, the shipping channel, Malkų Bay will be deepened. He also drew attention to environmental issues: he will work to increase the use of renewable energy sources in the port.

A.Latakas, who had worked for Klasco for some time, also received questions related to this company. The conflict between the population and this company has intensified in recent years. The new manager did not hide the existence of communication gaps. “There is no need to look at the problem of a company, there are such companies in the port and more. Associating this problem with the city-port problem. There are many emotions, bad communication. I can say one thing: I will go deeper, I will decide, I know that the ministry is also interested, “he said.

He compared the port to a hive: its benefits are unquestionable, but it buzzes and people do not want to live next door. “It is necessary to understand that the people of the city work in the port. Let’s close our eyes and think about what Klaipeda would be without a port? It probably won’t be very successful,” said A. Latakas.

“When we will die, we don’t know”

A.Latakas and J.Narkevičius received questions about the competition. The Minister of Transport and Communications assured that A. Latakas could work with confidential information to its full extent, no possible conflict of interest has been clarified.

Journalists at A.Latakas asked directly if they were not afraid that their leadership of the leadership might end on the day that J.Narkevičius’s term ends.

“I read Mark Aurelius, who wrote the difference between knowing when to die: today or tomorrow. Still, that day will come, “replied the new port administrator.

Aurelija Jašinskienė / photo / Minister J.Narkevičius introduced the new head of the Klaipėda A.Latakas State Port Authority

Aurelija Jašinskienė / photo / Minister J.Narkevičius introduced the new head of the Klaipėda A.Latakas State Port Authority

The port needed a new leader after then-Minister of Transport and Communications Rokas Masiulis fired Arvydas Vaitkus in March last year, immediately after the municipal elections. A.Vaitkus, who participated in the municipal elections and received the support of the port companies, tried to get his job back through the courts, but without success.
