The new government intends to ban commercial fishing Business


“Commercial fishing will be prohibited while preserving the national heritage and tourist activities, involving the coastal community in the management and conservation of resources,” the project said.

According to him, the issues of fish farming, maritime and coastal fishing will be transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Environment.

The project also states that, to reduce the impact of animal production on the environment and climate, farmers will be encouraged to switch to more sustainable livestock, which will allow a wider use of innovative feed additives and farm based on feed or alternative raw materials from Lithuania.

Better animal health and feed quality and a reduced need for veterinary drugs are also expected.

“A higher level of animal welfare will be facilitated. We will support agricultural initiatives to reduce methane emissions from the livestock sector and double the amount of recycled manure. We will expand renewable energy production,” says the project.

On Monday, President Gitanas Nausėda approved the composition of the government headed by Prime Minister-designate Ingrida Šimonytė, also calling the new government’s program ambitious.

I. Šimonytė hopes that the deliberations on the Government’s program in parliament will not drag on and the new Cabinet of Ministers will be given a mandate to work soon.

The government will begin its work when the Seimas approves its program and the ministers are sworn in.
