The new chief of the Kaišiadorys district police: “First of all, you must remain a person and only then be an officer”


Modest and professional, humane and friendly, curious and intelligent – this is how colleagues describe the new guide, who recently celebrated his 35th birthday. He presents himself with similar epithets, mentioning other personal and business qualities: modest, sincere, hard-working, and perfectionist. Well, indeed, throughout the interview, an official who is still not used to a new position does not stop thanking his colleagues who have accepted the profession during the 15 years that they have been assigned. For some, for teaching and knowledge, for others, to show the right direction or simply to encourage. Curiosity and challenges, he said, were the “engine” that encouraged me not to stop.

“There have been challenges and uncertainties since the beginning of my service. It always happened that somehow I got to where I didn’t seem to know much, but I tried to learn and do it in a way that would meet the expectations of others and of course achieve my goals. The people I have been on the same team with are those of my teachers from whom I have learned a lot and I am grateful for what I can be today, ”said J. Ostromeckas.

Kaunas County LSC Photo / Jurgis Ostromeckas

Kaunas County LSC Photo / Jurgis Ostromeckas

It is gratifying to be confident

First of all, it is necessary to remain a person, and only then to be an official – this philosophy is led by J. Ostromeck. He says he is very satisfied when both colleagues and residents trust him: “I always try not to disappoint. That confidence gives me some strength. “

As the conversation picks up, she remembers how she once unexpectedly received two bouquets of flowers and candy at the police station. What does it look like here?

“When you did not do much to the resident as a civil servant, because, after all, there was no crime, but as a person you listened and helped solve their problems as much as possible, then unexpectedly you received a sincere and warm thanks,” he added. .

Living in the same area is both a positive and a negative

A Kaunas official has lived in the Kaišiadorys district for many years. Having started his service here in the part of the guards, he continued to work in the criminal police, worked for a long time in intelligence and operational work day and night throughout the Kaišiadorys district.

There are “pros and cons” in the question of whether working and living in the same area is a plus or a minus. “The advantage is that with that work experience I got a great knowledge about the area itself, its details, and having worked as a civil servant in various fields, I can bravely stop along the way and write a protocol or arrest and suspect the perpetrator” . , – who knows a lot, both as a “bottom up” leader and as a resident of the area, who is perfectly informed of current realities in a supervised area.

Kaunas County LSC Photo / Jurgis Ostromeckas

Kaunas County LSC Photo / Jurgis Ostromeckas

“The biggest drawback, I suspect, is, at least for me, that some colleagues are just friends. Now, naturally, that subordination is greater, in the statutory body it is stricter. Together with some colleagues, we have been in an ambush or carried out realizations, now we will have to give instructions, and if the work is not done correctly – and explain why one or the other was not done “- on the minus, to which he and his companions will have to get used to, says J. Ostromeckas.

“I am the boss who, if necessary, lessons, if necessary, is involved everywhere. Now, as a manager, my job is to acquire, develop and transfer various skills and competencies also to my subordinate, ”says the new Kaišiadorys district police chief about the closest plans.

Almost all free time is work

And yet, as the talk turns to family and leisure, the new leader becomes less eloquent. “Work has been my free time for many years. In this case, the saying ‘work is my second home’ really applies,” says the interlocutor about the fact that many times he dedicates his free time to work. unnecessarily, even his free time is strongly associated with work: the officer’s wife is also an officer investigating serious and very serious crimes.

“It is natural that in our family there are endless conversations related to work, service, everything related to surveillance or security of the population. Even an eight-year-old son and a four-year-old daughter often like to imitate our work while playing, ”smiles J. Ostromeckas. And although he did not usually talk about himself without a uniform, when asked how this family of officers commemorates a professional day, Police Day, what traditions it has, he modestly said that the little angels donated to his wife by the Police and on other important days.

It seems that this collection will be supplemented by another symbolic guardian angel after he became the head of the Kaunas County Police Station, Kaišiadorys District Police Station.
