The national menu is in the hands of the public: choose the dishes that best present Lithuanian cuisine


Food traditions are inseparable from the country’s culture, which is why up to two thirds of foreign tourists point out that the gastronomic experience is also an important part of travel. A night in Georgia is unimaginable without a glass of local wine, Italy is famous for its unique pizza, Spain attracts paella, and returning from Belgium without tasting the most delicious chocolate in the world would be simply unforgivable. However, the question remains unanswered: what is it necessary for a foreign tourist to try in Lithuania during their stay?

Lithuanian cooking experts note that Lithuania’s gastronomic image is diverse. In some catering establishments you can taste dishes based on potatoes and pork, in others (rye bread, Lithuanian dairy products, in others) you can get to know the noble cuisine, dominated by rarer ingredients. However, to attract those looking for a gastronomic experience to Lithuania, the country needs not only a deep understanding of the culinary tradition, but also its own business card. That is why the National Agency for Tourism Promotion “Travel in Lithuania” has decided to compile a National Menu, a list of the main dishes to be tasted in Lithuania.

Potato cakes

Potato cakes

“A unified concept of Lithuanian cuisine is extremely necessary, which restaurants can trust when compiling their menus. This project will help us communicate more clearly to foreign tourists about who we are. The clearer our identity and the more united our focus, the easier it will be to attract foodies, “says Evalda Šiškauskienė, President of the Lithuanian Association of Hotels and Restaurants.

The national menu is in the hands of the public.

The compilation of the national menu began with discussions with various experts, during which an analysis was made of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Lithuanian gastronomy. The second stage was devoted to the survey of public catering establishments: the country’s restaurants, pubs and cafes shared what Lithuanian cuisine offers their guests. These data were systematized, selecting the most frequent snacks, main dishes, soups, desserts and drinks. Now is the time to involve the country’s society in the formation of the National Menu.

“Food traditions are formed not only in restaurant kitchens, but also in everyday life. They are transmitted from generation to generation, so it is necessary to take into account not only expert knowledge but also trends in society. Furthermore, the National Menu project can only be successful if it fulfills our own imagination of what dishes are worthwhile, ”says Indrė Trakimaitė-Šeškuvienė, Head of Products and Marketing at Keliauk Lietuva.

Jaroslav Orševski, President of the Lithuanian Association of Chefs and Confectioners, who supports the project, says: “I think having your own menu, your own set of dishes that would reflect Lithuania abroad and partnering with us is very important. Although some Lithuanian dishes are well known and used in other cuisines, and in some countries, even traditional ones, we are interested in knowing what Lithuanians think. Only by taking your opinion into account can we create a set of dishes worth sharing, and we can be proud that all of this is ours, so unique and beloved in Lithuania. “



It was concluded that the gastronomic identity of the country can only be formed after evaluating the most diverse opinions. For this reason, all stakeholders participated in the project, and the National Menu itself is considered a common product of experts, catering services, and the public.

Starting this Monday, a public survey will be conducted at the national tourism gate, in which Lithuanian residents will be invited to vote for the dishes that are most associated with Lithuanian food traditions. Survey participants will be able to choose up to three of their favorite foods in five voting categories: snacks, main courses, soups, desserts, and drinks. These categories include dishes that are distinguished as culinary heritage by experts or that Lithuanian restaurants often offer to Lithuanian customers. The survey will last three weeks. The vote will take place here.

National menu

National menu

© Photo of the organizers

It will introduce Lithuania to tourists.

Based on the survey results and expert insights, the “Travel in Lithuania” team will compile a National Menu, a menu for a three-day trip to Lithuania. Its aim is to form the image of Lithuania as an attractive country for gastronomic travel, to attract foreign tourists to taste the most popular dishes and to help them plan their gastronomic experience in Lithuania. Furthermore, the three-day menu will encourage foreign tourists to stay in Lithuania longer than the weekend, which will increase tourists’ costs not only for food, but also for accommodation and other tourist services.

The national menu will become the basis of the communication campaign for Lithuanian gastronomic tourism abroad. Catering establishments will be presented to the National Menu, and restaurants where this menu will be available to customers will be included in special tourist itineraries and will receive exclusive labeling, which will help travelers more easily recognize lovers of Lithuanian cuisine. . The national menu will also receive special attention in international tourism exhibitions and various presentations of the country’s image.



In addition to the National Menu, other projects that will popularize Lithuanian cuisine will reach foreign tourists: 10 gastronomic routes, an image campaign focused on cold beets and several seasonal themed routes.

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