The names of the company and the names of the directors changed, but the same actor hid behind them:


According to the report, the 46-year-old resident of the Šiauliai district, Kuršėnai, is currently serving a prison sentence of 6 years and 6 months by decision of the Šiauliai Regional Court and is awaiting a new court. He is suspected of up to six criminal offenses: misrepresentation of income, earnings or assets, fraudulent and negligent accounting, misappropriation of property, legalization of criminal assets, falsification of a document or possession of a falsified document.

For the man, this is the second criminal case this year that officials from the Economic Crimes Investigation Board, along with prosecutors, have completed their investigation and referred to the court.

Curonian Spit, who has repeatedly received the attention of law enforcement authorities and has been repeatedly convicted of various crimes, mostly financial, was a director of a company registered in Panevėžys and operating in Šiauliai. His company was engaged in the trade of wood logs, peat and wood sawdust briquettes and wood sawdust pellets. It is marketed throughout Lithuania, but mainly in northern Lithuania.

The director of the company managed according to his own laws: income from the sale of wood and peat briquettes was not recorded in the accounting, part of the employees were hired informally, part of the remuneration was paid officially, part as an incentive for the good work, unofficially. The fuel sold was paid for in cash. Although cash receipts were issued to some buyers, they are not included in the accounts, they just end up in the trash. The income received did not go to the company account, it was in the director’s pocket. Neither the added value, nor the income of individuals, nor the director of the tax company of the state social security fund pays.

He has been the subject of several pre-trial investigations and prosecutions for all these crimes. Until the end of last year, the courts had imposed several sentences for economic crimes, including fines and imprisonment, with suspended sentences. However, the man continued to create more and more businesses and continued his business evading taxes and falsifying accounts. And in reality, it was the same male-run company reborn under always different names.

When Sodra went to court to file for bankruptcy against one of his companies and restrict the company’s assets, the director devised a new scam to hide the seized assets, explaining that he had sold the company. In fact, he presented a false document, his decision, as the sole shareholder of the company, indicating inaccurate information that he had been removed from the position of director and that another person had been appointed director.

He informed SE “Registrų centras” about the change of director of the company by presenting a false document. After some time, Curonian Spit worked on behalf of another company, the director of which was a Belarusian citizen. The aforementioned foreigner signed the documents related to the transfer of shares to her, but she never participated in the activities of the company, all the instructions were given and the company was managed by the same Curonian. He also used company stamps with the name of the fictitious director.

With the change of the company’s name, practically nothing has changed: the employees were the same, the activities were the same, the same suppliers, the company’s office and warehouses were in the same place, and the employees were officially paid so much as in black coin.

As the Curonian Spit failed to pay the fines imposed by the court and returned to the attention of law enforcement agencies due to further crimes, he was sentenced to a real 5-year prison sentence late last year and banned from working as an entity. private legal for 4 years.

The man, feeling the cold breath of the dungeon on his neck, hid, all the more so when another court awaited him for the crime and had just started another pre-trial investigation. His search was announced in mid-February this year and a pre-trial investigation was launched to evade sentencing.

The director was found by criminologists of the riflemen in early May at the Vilnius hotel. He has been arrested and is currently behind bars. A trial in July extended his sentence to 6 years and 6 months. And that’s not all. These days, officials from the Economic Crimes Investigation Board, in cooperation with the prosecutor overseeing the investigation, completed another pre-trial investigation into the 46-year-old man’s crimes and referred the criminal case to court. On this occasion, he is accused of not including 124,429 euros in the company’s accounts for the sale of briquettes and peat pellets and wood sawdust to avoid the value added tax of 9,929.00 euros.

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