The names invented by the Vilnius people are surprising in originality: the boys are called Perkūnija or Gūsiu


In the year marked by quarantines, 6,332 young Vilnius residents were born, of whom, according to the Registration Center, were boys – including 5017, girls – 4,813. Another 3,536 children were born abroad, but were registered in Vilnius. The data shows that the number of children born this year is slightly lower than last year: in 2019. A total of 6,540 young Vilnius residents were born in the capital and a further 4,288 registered children were born abroad. The number of boys and girls did not differ much last year, in 2019. 5,447 boys and 5,381 girls were enrolled.

2020 – a visually beautiful number with up to two doubles. Last year, up to 109 families, who immediately had two children, were able to enjoy a slightly different twin. Two pairs of triplets were also born.

The most popular Vilnius names for girls last year: Amelia, Sofia, Emilia, Leah, Gabrielė, Maria and July. The boys are Ben, Luke, Mark, Jacob, Dominic, Matt, and Augustus. There were also rarer names: last year Perkūnija, Girija, Elektra, Gudrūna, Epika, Sidabrė, Elaria, Lyja were born into the world. The boys’ names also stood out for their originality: Gūsis, Gojus, Ūkas, Nauris, Arendas, Kanutas, Džiugimantas.

“We have noticed that parents often give names similar to their own or older brothers, sisters, like Tom and Tom. There are many cases in which all surnames begin with the same letter. Natural names are becoming more popular: Vėtrė, Vėtra, Vėjas ”, – Jolanta Kuzmienė, the head of the municipality’s Civil Registry Department, commented on the observed subtleties.

He was also married at University Hall.

In 2020, 4,800 marriages were registered in Vilnius, of which 2,306 couples were married in Vilnius, and 899 new families swore eternal love in churches. A Vilnius resident turned down his sixth wedding last year!

They also got married abroad: last year there were up to 1,595 such couples. Of the 2306 couples married in the capital, 237 were married in their own chosen urban space.

This year, the employees of the Civil Registry Department were the most stuck in the newly selected places in the Museum of Energy and Technology, City Laboratory Hall, on the left bank of the Neris, between Vilnius and the Mindaugas bridge, K square .

Most of the marriages were registered in the Vilnius Town Hall, the Botanical Garden, the Verkiai Palace, a very common option – hotel terraces, restaurants, corridors.

“During such ceremonies, it is especially beautiful for young people to take care of the local decorations. There has been a colleague getting married in a room that was drowning in candlelight. Few couples choose to make original vows with each other, but if they have already decided, it is very special and sensitive, ”said J. Kuzmienė in a press release.

Marriages with foreigners are also registered. Most often, with citizens of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, as well as various marriages are registered with citizens of the USA, Norway, Denmark, the UK. In isolated cases, he has married citizens of Indonesia, Taiwan, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Brazil, Chile and Cuba.

The wedding day is special and exciting, and curious situations often occur. According to J. Kuzmienė, most of these occur during the departure ceremonies.

“There have been cases where when the couple started to greet, the sound equipment turned on, made noise and half of the ceremony failed to disconnect it in any way. Once upon a time, we had to wait for witnesses because they could not find the place of marriage chosen by the young people. It has been the case that the bride forgot the bouquet of flowers and refused to marry until they were brought to her.

Another situation that caused a smile happened last year: one of the young people called the phone during the marriage registration, he said in response that he was getting married now, so he could not speak, ”said the head of the Civil Registry Department, also remembering. , who like to answer that they don’t know and have to think, but after a pause – they agree.

Wedding during quarantine

As expected, the wedding celebrations changed during the quarantine. Depending on the situation, only the number of participants in the ceremony has been adjusted: young people, two witnesses and, if necessary, an interpreter. Up to five people from the young side and, of course, several employees of the Civil Registry Division can attend.

All ceremony participants must observe safety distance requirements, hygiene standards, wear masks throughout the ceremony.

“Young people are resourceful and creative, so they often wear cloth face masks made especially for this occasion. Masks are often paired with clothing: brides wear white, cream, and grooms wear black and dark blue masks. We almost always ask if young people could remove their masks during the ceremony, ”said J. Kuzmienė.

In order to maintain distance, safety and avoid meetings, couples are admitted to the building only according to the appointed time of the ceremony, the marriage registration ceremony is shortened, leaving only their legal part. Marriages are registered with the Vilnius City Civil Registry Office from Thursday to Saturday. Outgoing marriages are temporarily arranged during quarantine.

“Unlike the first quarantine, young people hardly cancel or postpone marriages for a later date, but go to the department to register them. The number of marriages has hardly decreased compared to the same period without quarantine. The number of marriage applications accepted in the summer also remained similar to the same period each year, ”commented J. Kuzmienė.

Even more popular – hay

Although 17-year-old women in Lithuania have the opportunity to choose a surname that does not indicate their marital status when marrying (or change their surname) – with the suffix -ė. The choice of a double surname and a surname with a suffix is ​​significantly less common. It is also observed that women more often choose a shorter surname form for convenience. In very rare cases, men change their last names at the time of marriage.

“Maybe not many people know, but the last name can always be changed later, after marriage. By choosing the last name of a spouse, a woman can recover her last name and add a spouse to it, or simply recover her last name. If you choose the surname of your spouse with the suffix -ienė, you can change it so that it does not indicate your marital status or vice versa. There is also the possibility of changing the surname of parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, “said the head of the Civil Registry Department.

It is interesting that in 2020 the city of Vilnius. At the civil registry office, 204 people changed their names, 1,427 their last names, 87 people changed their first and last names at the same time, and up to 111 parents of children changed their personal names, first names or even last names.

All requests, remotely even after quarantine

Last year, the Civil Registry Division initiated amendments to the Civil Status Laws Registration Rules, providing the ability to submit all applications (including for marriage registration) by email. through the MEPIS Metric Services Information System, as well as extracts of civil status records to be signed by email. firm. After changing this legal regulation, most of the services of the Vilnius City Civil Registry Division are provided in 4 levels of interactivity, that is, the service can be requested and received by email. way. This new successful and convenient order will remain in effect after the quarantine.

“We want to ensure the best quality, efficiency and convenience of the interested parties in the submission of applications and the reception of services, that is why we participate in the project“ Modernization of the Population Registry of the Republic of Lithuania and Development of Related Electronic Services ”. We will begin work on the modernized program next month. We are pleased that we have successfully secured the department’s work during the quarantine period. We also share good practices with other civil registration institutions in Lithuania, ”said J. Kuzmienė.

The wedding hall setting was also partially renovated last year. The renovated spaces look more beautiful and modern already looking forward to 2021. newlyweds.
