The municipality presents a detailed plan of the territory of the Station: the objective is to modernize and humanize the district –


In March, a detailed plan of the territory of more than 30 ha between Paneriai, Geležinkelio, Stoties and Seinų streets will be presented to the public, which aims to modernize and humanize the territory. The Vilnius City Municipality together with SĮ Vilniaus planas invites you to get acquainted with the detailed plan of the train station and the surrounding territory during the public presentation on March 18.

Information about the publicity of the concept of the detailed plan of the territory should reach the residents by certified mail in the next few days. Anyone interested will be able to familiarize themselves with the detailed plan prepared as of February 22. until March 18. including in the state supervision information system for the preparation of territorial planning documents of the Republic of Lithuania and the territorial planning process ( and on the Vilnius Municipality website (www.vilnius. lt).

The focus is on the reconversion of the industrial area and the reconstruction of the Plaza de la Estación.

The main focus of the transformation organized by the Vilnius City Municipality and the Lietuvos Geležinkeliai company is the project of renovation of the territory of the Vilnius Vilnius Connect railway station and the transformation of the station square, the aim of which is to establish a modern multifunctional mobility, business and leisure center with public spaces. . The architects of the SE Vilniaus Plan, taking into account the wishes expressed by the residents, the recommendations of experts in various fields and the research carried out during the preparation of the detailed plan, propose to implement a complex renovation of the territory.

The planned area will be subdivided according to the different uses and characteristics of the proposed buildings. According to the specialists of the Vilnius Plan who plan the territory, the height and construction of the buildings in the parts of the territory near the old town and along Pelesos street are formed taking into account the landscape of the adjacent parts of the city, preserving thus the immovable cultural values. In the planned area. Farther from the old town, on Geležinkelio street, the height of the buildings is gradually higher, taking into account the typical Naujamiestis building.

Public spaces and connections between the old town and newcomers

“Our objective is not only to modernize the area of ​​the Station, but also to renew the territory, which is friendly to sustainable means of transport. In the station square, it is proposed to combine public transport into a unified passenger service center. The central square would have a direct connection to the Naujininkai district, allowing quick and convenient access to Pelesos Street, ”explains the project manager, Nerijus Siciūnas, the future changes. The exact location of the public transport terminal will be determined by an architectural tender, as well as the possible pedestrian connections between Geležinkelio and Pelesos streets.

When merging public transport into one square, it is proposed to abandon most of the parking spaces. This proposal is based on the need to humanize the area and reduce car traffic, and the results of the traffic flow modeling show that the introduction of a reduced parking factor does not anticipate a significant increase in traffic due to the urban development of the city. zone.

The new spatial planning aims to develop sustainable communication in all directions, one of the most significant changes is the humanization of Stoties street, forming a public space in which pedestrians and cyclists participate. To ensure comfortable movement on the railroad, there will be no roundabouts with stops, bike lanes will be built and a safe passage for pedestrians and bicycles is provided on Liepkalnio street.

The preparation of the detailed plan was based on larger-scale studies, investigation of adjacent districts (Naujininkai urban change studies, Naujamiestis), Strategic Environmental Assessment and 2019. guidelines for possible changes in the construction and communication system of the territory delineated during the creative workshops held in September. During the elaboration of the detailed plan, regular meetings were organized with the citizens, during which the best possible solutions were sought together with the neighbors.

Changes in the future

Planning of public spaces of the territory, as is customary in world practice, will be solved by architectural competitions and separate technical plans, solutions can be expected from the soon-to-be-announced works of the Vilnius railway station complex, the Station Square and the public. Transport terminal architectural project.

The detailed plan with its solutions creates preconditions for the realization of the best solutions for the design of public spaces and buildings selected during architectural competitions in the later stages. According to the option proposed by the winners of the architecture competition, technical projects for separate parts of the territory and buildings will need to be further prepared.

Proposals for the detailed plan of the territory of Vilnius Station must be submitted in writing before 18-03-2021. organizer – Vytautas Lelys, Advisor to the Municipal Department of Architects of the City, e-mail: mail: [email protected], for the organizer – Nerijus Siciūnas project manager, email address: [email protected] or in the information system of state supervision of the preparation of territorial planning documents of the Republic of Lithuania and the territorial planning process (, TPD No. K-VT-13-18-517).

Remote public delivery on March 18. 5 pm link –
