The municipality of Vilnius did not approve the project of the Pavilnis Business shopping center


“Such a project would have been a decade ago, but today we live in a capital of other standards. Supermarkets move from the city center closer to the population, to residential areas, and therefore they must meet the needs of Vilnius residents, perform not only the function of supermarkets, but also provide other important services for the communities. The developer responded to initial comments from us and residents, we hope that he will continue to adjust the project in good faith until the most suitable option for all is found, “said Mindaugas Pakalnis, Vilnius Chief Architect.

15 minutes previously wrote that the project for a new shopping center planned by real estate developer Darius Nedzinskas Pavilnis, in his own home area, also divided the local community; most of them did not oppose the planned large store, but the rest did not categorically support it.

Critics have complained to both the developer and Rimi Lietuva, the main tenant of the future store, sending letters to the highest authorities, as well as the heads of Rimi’s owner, ICA Gruppen in Sweden, and the Swedish embassy in Vilnius.

The Minister of Social Security and Labor, Monika Navickienė, asked the Special Investigation Service (STT) to assess whether corruption was committed during the coordination of the construction documents of the new Rimi store in Pavilnis by the Vilnius authorities.

The Vilnius City Municipality report states that designers are obliged to base solutions on functional analysis of surrounding territories, mobility conditions and impact on the urban landscape. They were asked to repeatedly analyze the location of the projected building on the plot, evaluating the characteristics of the relief, its slopes and the existing vegetation that forms the character of the area.

Specialists from the Chief City Architect also suggested examining the alternative solution proposed by the neighbors to convert the projected structure of the building into a mirror principle, thus moving the ramp away from the neighbors.

Likewise, in order not to worsen the environment of the residents located on the east and north sides of the plot, it is proposed to leave these parts of the plot as little as possible, to increase the number of afforestation. After evaluating the proposals made by the community during the consideration, the designers are asked to examine the possibility of installing a basketball or volleyball court in the recreation area adjacent to the lot.

During the public presentations of the project proposals, the residents of Pavilnis had many questions about the communication solutions at the entrances of the planned plot, so the project authors were asked to examine the conditions of safety and traffic mobility without postponing it to later stages of the project.

The Chief Architect of the City Department looks forward to receiving proposals on how to remodel the solutions for the reconstruction project of Džiaugsmo Street from Pergalės Street to Paeglinės Street; They were prepared before the planning of the commercial building began.

Designers should examine the possibility of installing / relocating an illuminated intersection controlled by traffic lights on Urbšio Street, extending Džiaugsmo Street by installing a left turn and forming pedestrian sidewalks on the other side of the planned shopping center (on the other side from Džiaugsmo Street). It is also requested to review the technical parameters of the pass in the western part of the plot.

After changing the solutions of the transportation project proposals, they must be submitted to the evaluation of the working group for the evaluation of infrastructure works and engineering structures and project proposals of Supervision of Infrastructure Works and Engineering Structures of the Municipality from Vilnius City.

For the avoidance of doubt, the project authors are requested to provide characteristic designs of the plot and its adjacent sections, explaining the heights formed in relation to the adjacent areas. The sections should show the proximity to the exterior of the plot, which allows to understand the context of the area and the exact scale of the space with the existing and projected elements (buildings, vegetation, etc.).

To achieve the high architectural quality of the building, it is proposed to improve the shape of the building, the architectural expression of the north and east facades, plant the facades, their segments or the roof if it remains flat.

The city’s chief architect supports the community’s proposal to examine the possibility of relocating the loading ramp or to detail its solutions on the grounds that they will not worsen the living conditions of the immediate population.

The project authors were asked to detail the collection points of the engineering systems (ventilation, air conditioners, etc.) and the waste generated, to examine together the limit values ​​of their emissions and to provide protective or compensatory measures. Designers must also assess the impact of store lighting on the surrounding areas.

The revised project proposals will need to be resubmitted, this time in accordance with the public’s expectation of being able to ask questions not only in writing but also orally. At the same time, the municipality recommended evaluating the possibility of scheduling meetings with citizens and at a time when project proposals are adjusted. In addition, at the request of residents, it is planned to consider the project proposals reviewed in the Regional Council of Architecture.
