The most popular kayak routes in Lithuania: you won’t regret any euro spent after passing them


Water trip: Nemunas and Nevėžis

About the kayak rental services provided in Kaunas Delphi spoke to VšĮ Vandens touristi.

In Kaunas, a day kayaking adventure costs 10 euros per person. This amount includes kayak rental, life jacket, mobile phone case, transportation to the start of the trip.

Here a two-day trip will cost you 30 euros. In addition to this amount, you will have to pay extra for the night. The cost of a two-day kayak trip usually ranges from 60 to 100 euros.

What are the most popular routes? Kaunas residents and guests generally choose to kayak in Nemunas and Nevėžis. Here is a kayak route along the Nemunas for 15 kilometers, while you can see the Napoleon mound, King Mindaugas Avenue and Kaunas City Hall.

Slightly shorter than the Nemunas, the Nerimi trek spans 13.5 kilometers. Landscape of this route: Kleboniškis forest, architecture of the Eiguliai and Vilijampolė districts, Santaka park.



Vilnelė and Neris at night are the favorites of the capital

Delphi He spoke to a kayak rental point in Vilnius “Sostinės kaaidarės”.

The most popular routes in the capital are swimming in Vilnius and Nerimi at night.

The Vilnius canoe adventure is a great option for families with children. Vilnelė is not a deep river, making it easy to get up if the kayak accidentally capsizes. The Vilnelė river valley is distinguished by steep cliffs and outcrops, ditches and wide terraces. While sailing in Vilnius, you can also see the Pūčkoriai outcrop. You will be asked to pay 28 euros for a trip to Vilnius.

It is true that you can choose different kayak routes on the Vilnelė river, which differ in the number of kilometers.

Another popular kayak route in Vilnius is the Nerimi night walk. This river is not difficult to cross, so, like swimming in the Nemunas, it is suitable for families with children.
Swimming anxiety costs € 28 at night and € 24 during the day.

The most picturesque route in Samogitia

Minija kayaks invite you to enjoy summer entertainment.

The most picturesque kayak route here, without competition, is considered the section of the Minija Aleksandravas-Kartena river, which lasts 24 kilometers. Artists have the opportunity to see Dyburiai outcrop, Šilpelkė nature trail, Dauginčiai mound, so-called Lithuanian Switzerland, Kartena mound and Kartena lourdes in the mentioned section.

However, it is not advisable for kayakers for the first time to choose this route; It is a journey that requires a lot of experience.

The simplest but most popular kayak routes on the Minija River are: Cigonaliai-Kartena (16 km), Dauginčiai-Kartena (12 km), Kartena-Raguviškiai (13 km).

You will pay the maximum amount of kayak rental on weekends: 12-14 euros per person throughout the day, from Monday to Friday: 11 euros.



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A trip to Dzūkija

If you choose to kayak in Dzūkija, you will definitely be offered to swim in Merkiu or Ūla.

Ūla, which is perfect for water tourism, is characterized by extremely cold water, because the river is cooled by many sources. Also Ūla is sinuous, rich in loops, walnut. Boating is the real challenge.

Another river that flows in Dzūkija is characterized by clear, unpolluted waters and wooded shorelines. Merkys, compared to Ūla, is much calmer: the flow is slow, there are no obstacles. This river is suitable for a trip with the family.

The rental point “Dzūkijos kayaks” will rent a double kayak for you on business days for 14 euros, for one day on the summer weekend you will be asked to pay 27 euros, and for the whole weekend – 34 euros.

The meanders of the Aukštaitija rivers

A representative from Aukštaitija National Park stated that Kiauna and Žeimena are most frequently chosen to swim in the park’s territory, and Lakaja in Labanoras Regional Park.

Kiauna is a narrow, fast and winding river surrounded by villages. Sailors on this river will be able to see the old Labanoras forest, see the ever-changing forests. The route stretches for 18 kilometers.

Žeimena, unlike Kiauna, is calmer, swimming Žeimena is easier. The river is so transparent that travelers can directly see underwater life. If you choose to kayak on the Žeimena River, you will swim 18 kilometers.

Lakaja swimming is offered only to experienced and adventurous kayak lovers, because although the river is narrower than Žeimenas, it has prepared a number of challenges for travelers.

It is true that the Aukštaitija National Park does not provide kayak rental services, the inventory must take care of yourself.

What guarantees safe swimming

When asked what makes kayaking safe, the interlocutors responded as if they agreed: no alcohol. According to kayak tenants, alcohol consumption remains the leading cause of harm for sailors.

When kayaking, consider a life jacket, helmet, mosquito repellent, as well as unrestricted clothing.

It is true that kayakers must also take care of the artists’ safe swimming: it is worth indicating which rivers are fast and dangerous, and in which beginners they can also swim.

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