The most popular and rare newborn names in 2020


Photo by Daiva Banaitiens

The Vilnius Civil Registry Office (VCMS) has traditionally counted the most popular names of kdiki born last year.

According to data from the Registry Center, in 2020. 6,332 children were born in the capital. Another 3,536 were born abroad, but were registered in Vilnius. I j boy 5,017, girl 4,813.

According to VCM data, in 2020. The number of children born in Vilnius is slightly lower than in 2019, at 6,540 children, and 4,288 more children were registered in foreign countries. Boy and girl in 2019 were born in almost exactly 5,447 and 5,381, respectively.

The most popular names

The most popular names for the girl born in Vilnius last year are: Amelia, Sofia, Emilia, Lya, Gabriel, Maria and July. Boy Ben, Luke, Mark, Jokb, Dominic, Matt, and Augustus.

Last year Perknija, Girija, Elektra, Gudrna, Epika, Sidabr, Elarija, Lyja were weirdest names in the world.

When collecting the original names of the children, the parents chose as Gsis, Gojus, Kas, Nauris, Arendas, Kanutas, Diugimantas.

We have noticed that names are often given by their own older brothers or sisters, such as Tom and Tom. There are many cases in which all surnames begin with the same letter. Natural names are popular: Vtr, Vtra, Vjas, the report quotes Jolanta Kuzmien, Head of the Vilnius Municipality Department of Civil Registration.

That is everywhere

According to VCMS data, in 2020. 4,800 marriages were registered in Vilnius, 2,306 couples were married in Vilnius, 899 in mansions. A Vilnius resident was married last time.

1,595 couples marry abroad.

I 2,306 Married couple in Vilnius 237 couples married in selected locations. Most marriages are registered at Vilnius Town Hall, Botanical Garden, Verki Palace, very Danish option for a hotel, restaurant terraces, salsa.

VCMS names the new places that the young people discovered to marry are the Museum of Energy and Technology, the Laboratory Town Hall, on the left bank of the Neris between Vilnius and the Mindaugas Bridge, the K. Sirvydas Square, the Sapieg Technical Park, the Palace of the University.

According to VCMS data, the majority of marriages were registered with citizens of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, and many marriages were registered with citizens of the US, Norway, Denmark, and the UK.

In isolated cases, he has married citizens of Indonesia, Taiwan, Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Brazil, ils, and Cuba.

Marriage during quarantine

During the quarantine, the wedding vents changed. Depending on the situation, the number of participants in the ceremony has increased: young people, two witnesses and an interpreter are needed. Up to five young people and several employees of the Civil Registry Division can participate.

According to VCMS, in order to maintain distance, safety and avoid awakening, the edification of the couple is allowed only according to the schedule of the indicated ceremony, the marriage registration ceremony is shortened, leaving only its legal part. Marriages are registered with the Vilnius City Civil Registry Office from Thursday to Thursday. Ongoing marriages are temporarily arranged during quarantine.

Unlike the first quarantine, young people barely degrease or move the marriage to a later date, but instead go to the department to register. The number of marriages is almost non-existent compared to the same period outside the quarantine. The numbers of acceptance of marriage in the summer also remained similar, as in the same period every year, says J. Kuzmien.

E.bdu marriage

Last year, the Civil Registration Division initiated amendments to the registration rules of the Civil Status Law, which provide the ability to submit all applications (including for marriage registration) by email. through the MEPIS Registry Service Information System, as well as the Civil Status Law. parau. After the change of legal regulation, most of the services of the Vilnius Civil Registry Division are provided at 4 levels of interactivity, that is, it is possible to request and receive services by email. bdu. I will remain in effect after the end of the quarantine.

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