The most important weekend events in Lithuania and the world


Coronavirus situation:

* During Saturday and Sunday, 2903 new cases of coronavirus were registered in Lithuania, 24 people died. According to data from Sunday, 1,255 people infected with COVID-19 are being treated in hospitals, 92 of them in resuscitation.

* With more than a thousand cases detected each day, the National Center for Public Health does not carry out all its epidemiological investigations: about half of all new cases were not investigated on Saturday. The center emphasizes that a person can perform 4-6 tests per day, and some of the unexplored countable cases enter the system at night when epidemiological studies are not conducted.

* Researchers from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences conducting research on the coronavirus genome have found that the causative agents of the first and second waves are different, it is possible to become infected with several strains of coronavirus at the same time. Genome research is necessary to develop a vaccine, drug, or diagnostic method.

* Poland on Saturday recorded the highest daily death toll from COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic: 548.

* Epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, a member of the COVID-19 Advisory Committee convened by President-elect Joe Biden, says that almost the entire United States is currently an area of ​​intense spread of coronavirus infection. He regretted that some Americans still did not take the crisis seriously.

The career of E.Pashilis. It turned out that the Government had approved the candidacy of Prosecutor General Evaldas Pašilis for the judges of the General Court of the European Union, selected by the Ministry of Justice, and had submitted it to President Gitan Nausėda. This candidacy was approved by the Government by consensus at a meeting of the Council of Ministers. The issue was considered of limited use and the authorities did not release information on this decision and the government’s provision.

Leadership of the Seimas. During the first session of the new Seimas on Friday, the leader of the Liberal Movement Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen was elected president of the Seimas. The conservative Jurgis Razma and the “employee” Andrius Mazuronis were elected deputies. Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, the president of the Seimas, appointed A. Mazuronis as the representative of the opposition, but other opposition “peasants” and Social Democrats did not support him. They were surprised that a representative of the smaller opposition group was appointed to the parliamentary leadership, although she would not have a vice president.

Military helicopters. On Friday, Lithuania signed an agreement with the United States on the acquisition of four Black Hawk military helicopters. The first helicopters should arrive in Lithuania by the end of 2024.

I support D. Trump. About 10,000 supporters of US President Donald Trump chanted “Four More Years” at a rally in Washington on Saturday, blaming the fraud on the presidential defeat in the election. D. Trump himself passed through the country with his tuple. He said on Twitter that Biden had won because the election was rigged. According to the latest forecasts on American television, Biden has obtained 306 votes in the Electoral College and Trump has 232 votes.

Nagorno-Karabakh. Ethnic Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh burned their houses on Saturday in preparation for the transfer of part of the disputed region to Azerbaijan before leaving for Armenia. By agreement of the parties, Azerbaijan will take control of the territory on Sunday. During the six weeks of military action in the region, more than 1.4 thousand people died. people. Armenia has stated that 2,317 of its soldiers died in the Nagorno-Karabakh war. In Armenia, political unrest continues after the controversial peace agreement with Azerbaijan, with the arrest of opposition leader Artur Vanecian on charges of conspiring to assassinate the prime minister.

Protests in Belarus. Protests against authoritarian leader Aliaksandr Lukashenko continued in Belarus over the weekend. At least 300 detainees were reported on Sunday. The protesters gathered in a courtyard of an apartment building in Minsk, which the opposition called “Square of Change” or “Court of Change”, and officials brutally pushed the protesters.

Riots in Ethiopia. In the second most populous African country, Ethiopia, at least 34 people were killed in an armed attack on a passenger bus. The human rights organization Amnesty International has previously reported on the hundreds of people brutally murdered in the Tigris region during a military operation against forces operating in the region. Meanwhile, the region’s leader on Sunday assumed responsibility for launching missiles at an airport in the neighboring capital of Eritrea.
