The most important events on Friday in Lithuania and in the world


Coronavirus situation:

* 503 new cases of COVID-19 have been identified, and five people died from the disease. The rate of new illnesses in the last 14 days is 100,000. the population reaches 348.5 cases.

* More than 28 thousand people were vaccinated on the last day. people: 14 thousand people were vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine. 880 people, in the second – 13 thousand. 540.

* 1,165 new cases of the British strain (B.1.1.7) of coronavirus were detected in Lithuania, another 26 cases of the strain (B.1.620) detected in Anykščiai and elsewhere.

* All residents over the age of 16 will be vaccinated against COVID-19 in Klaipeda at the weekend.

* The Ministry of Economy and Innovation has announced that it intends to reactivate the “travel bubble” of the Baltic states last year: a permit to travel without restrictions between Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

* President Gitanas Nausėda says that all students must return to classes “without exception” from September.

* The Czech Republic, which faces one of the largest waves of COVID-19 in Europe in the winter, is easing its measures to combat the coronavirus and opening its borders to tourists from seven countries, including Germany, Austria, Hungary and Poland.

* The UK has approved the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine.

Decision of the CC. The prohibition of a politician elected to the Seimas from electing a mandate is unconstitutional, the Constitutional Court declared. He stated that a politician elected to the Seimas has the right to decide, under oath, whether to hold the position of a member of the Seimas or hold another term.

Landing of an airplane. The forced landing of a plane flying to Vilnius in Minsk is being investigated by the Lithuanian, Polish police and the FBI, said the head of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office. At that time, Lithuania is sending two employees of the Belarusian embassy for activities incompatible with diplomatic status. Belarus has also protested opposition members detained after landing in Minsk.

Alcohol consumption On average, a Lithuanian resident in the country and abroad drinks a glass of beer, a glass of wine or 80 grams of vodka every day, Statistics Lithuania announced. According to their manager, the majority drink beer, in addition to spirits, and the least amount of wine.

German confession. Germany recognized for the first time that a genocide had occurred in Namibia during colonial rule and pledged more than a billion euros in financial support for aid projects in that African state. Between 1904 and 1908, German settlers killed tens of thousands of local shepherds and nations. Historians call these events the first genocide of the 20th century.

Recovery fund. Austria and Poland became the last countries in the European Union to approve a huge post-pandemic recovery fund. European Union officials have previously said that if the bloc members approve the plan, $ 672 billion funds from the euro loan and grant package could “start flowing in July.”

Elections in Syria. Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad has been re-elected for a fourth term, according to official election results announced Thursday. The West does not consider the elections to be “free or fair.”
