The model Deimantė Guobytė and her comrades and the police discover shocking images of kennels: it’s a secret hell of dogs


The model received information that a woman living in the Kretinga district may be involved in illegal activities: illegally breeding dogs and then selling them. Diamond arrived at the designated location along with other comrades and policemen. There, animal lovers saw a shocking image: the four-legged barely fit in the cages, sleeping on urine and feces, without water or food.

It all started with the disappearance of the dog.

The dog rescue operation began on Thursday when the disappearance of a West Scottish Terrier named Sniegius was announced in the village of Padvariai, Kretinga district. The owners, who searched the area for the pet, finally found their dog, recognizing him barking. Following the voice of the animal, the owners discovered the building, and through its windows saw a heartbreaking image: a cage closed by Sniegiai. The extraordinary story is rushing to be shared publicly on social media.

“The secret animal hell among us …” was the name of an animal lover.

“For a long time we were looking for dogs as we drove through the streets of the town, walked through the houses around it. Nobody noticed the dog. We heard barking dogs near the disappearance. As we approached the building (Slyvų str.) From which the sound was spreading, through the dirty window we saw our long-sought snow, which was locked in a cage! Not only that, we saw a really scary image, we were all shocked.

Countless dogs were incarcerated in the warehouse-type building, all of which were breeding (about 18 dogs). The door was open, so we ran to our friends’ dogs without thinking. The image was bleak. Shrunken and scared dogs are kept in horrible and unsanitary conditions in small pens, without food or water. There was terrible urine in the room, fecal fumes, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath. Stables with dogs are arranged on several floors, where some dogs barely fit. Neglected dogs, stained with their own feces, lie in urine scores between the bars.

After a while the alleged owner of the dog appeared, who said that he had found the snowman we were looking for and planned to search for dog owners the next day. When asked if these dogs are hers and why they are kept in such conditions, the woman said the conditions are appropriate and the problem is not visible. We suspect that the dog we were looking for may have been stolen, as have many other dogs locked up in this warehouse.

There were dogs of all ages in the warehouse, including very small ones, so we suspect that this horrible warehouse is an illegal kennel.

We couldn’t get out of this terrible situation, so we called the police officers. When the officers arrived, the warehouse was already closed and the woman had left. Officials recorded the incident but hinted they didn’t know if they could help.

So to this day, dogs still suffer from lying in their feces, in little cramped cages. Chances are your missing dog is there too …

The necessary information has been provided to the authorities, I hope the public will help stop this hell, ”shared the woman about her shocking situation, helping her friends discover Snow missing.

Fortunately, this story had a happy ending. The portal announced that on Friday, the director of the municipal administration of the Kretinga district, Jolanta Girdvain declaró, declared that the dogs had already been removed from the allegedly illegal kennel. Furthermore, it turns out that the woman who was unmasked and kept the animals in unsanitary conditions has already been punished for it in the past; According to the portal, she does not even have the right to participate in animal husbandry.

The shocking story didn’t end there

Although the dogs were removed from the scene, D. Guobytė and other animal lovers involved in the rescue operation soon began to receive even more information about animal hell elsewhere. As published on social networks, two more hangars full of dogs have been found, which are also associated with a woman who has been identified and is engaged in illegal activities.

There may be more places of this type. The dogs found were also kept in terrible condition. It is believed that there is a dirty business behind this: the four-legged companions mate and the small puppies born are sold in advertisements as breeding dogs. Such a presumption is made after several such advertisements have been discovered on behalf of the woman in question. Also, with the gathering of a large group of indifferent people and the publicity of this story, Internet advertising began to disappear rapidly.

Nuaras, who provides assistance to homeless animals, also shared the details of the story on social media. In the rooms, the animal shelter said the dogs were rescued and healthy. A total of 33 adult animals and 8 newborns were released.

Despite the fruits of the operation to free the animals, similar illegal places are still being sought to help the hellish quadrupeds.

The rescued dogs are currently being examined by veterinarians, their condition being assessed, and they are being fed and varnished.

Anyone who wants to contribute to an animal welfare home invites you to support dog food by leaving it at the door.

It is said that a pre-trial investigation was launched into a high-profile event.

More information on facebook:

D. Guobytė brought together indifferent people

D. Guobytė, who has become the face of history, asks all concerned for clarity. If a similar situation is known in other Lithuanian cities, the woman would gladly await the exact addresses and coordinates. The model claims to guarantee anonymity.

“It is very difficult for us to volunteer to comb the entire territory. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack, “he explained on Instagram.

“After this story, a lot of people write to us about how they can help. Now, the biggest help would be if you could find the exact places. Try to find out exactly where those places are,” added Deimantė.

After the first story, the animal lover did not give up, and went to other places where dogs were supposedly kept for breeding and deplorable conditions. The police were also called to the events.

“We believe that these kennels work together, they cooperate in transporting their bitches for mating. This is a great clan. They all work together. We have already come to another place, the dogs have already been taken out, only a couple of dogs remain, There are no owners. We are in several different places where there are such similar meetings, “he explained the situation on social media.

“The most important thing is to be active not only online, but also in real life. We have to go together, unite in the streets. That meeting is very scary and makes everyone think,” added D. Guobytė.

The call for help for the animals soon began to be shared by other famous people.

Stealing dogs for profit?

Beatričė Vaitiekūnaitė-Pliuskė, director of the Animal Welfare Initiative, also came forward and states that so far the situation can only be assessed on the basis of the story of a witness, but a pet of a woman’s friends found in A warehouse cage raises suspicions that other dogs may be stolen. She is currently trying to contact the witness to the incident to speak more fully about the situation and provide the necessary legal assistance.

“First of all, ownership documents must be verified, because the fact that at least one dog is not actually them, but supposedly found, raises an alarm that the dogs were stolen. Animal chips can be verified, once again it is a reminder to people why it is necessary to tag their pets, vaccination passports, which clinic regularly visits animals, other documents that prove the right of ownership. I want to believe that dogs are not taken out of shelters without sterilization, but that possibility still exists, especially if small ones were donated, ”says B. Vaitiekūnaitė-Pliuskė.

According to her, it is therefore worth contacting the shelters to see if they have donated similar animals, as the volunteers would identify the animals they cared for from the photos. She talks about sterilization because, according to her, it is very likely that it is a case of animal reproduction.

B. Vaitiekūnaitė-Pliuskė emphasizes that, when assessing this situation, the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS) must assess the level of animal welfare (accommodation, supervision, if dogs are taken outdoors, if the necessary physical activity, if necessary veterinary assistance is provided, etc.) and storage conditions, which are normally the responsibility of the local authority, but in this case the SFVS is responsible for evaluating all aspects. Since the SFVS issues replay permissions, you need to verify that they have one.

“Veterinarians who have examined the animals can determine which dogs are expecting pups that have recently given birth and it will be clear what we are talking about. However, I can say from experience that only those for whom it is only a business, usually illegal farming, can keep the animals in such dire conditions. These people should lose the right to have animals in general, so I hope that, seeing these cases, the members of the Seimas understand the need to adopt an amendment to the prohibition of having animals under 5 years for those who have treated them with cruelty, and hopefully this fall. , will meet to vote for its adoption, “he says.

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