The Mobile App Will Help Fight The Spread Of COVID-19: What Should You Know?


The mobile application “Korona Stop LT” helps to break the chain of spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) with the help of voluntary information provided by users. Generally speaking, a smartphone alerts you to the presence of infected people and offers you recommendations on how to proceed. You can download the application for free from the App Store or Google Play Store.

How does the Korona Stop LT app work?

The phones that use it record “BluetoothSignals from other nearby phones. If the signal is close enough (up to 2 m) and lasts long enough (15 minutes or more), the phones exchange randomly generated keys. When a person using the Korona Stop LT app notifies them of a coronavirus infection, the random keys stored on their phone are uploaded to the app’s server, where other users can download them. Users’ phones then compare the random keys stored on them with those downloaded from the application server and determine the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection using a research-based assessment algorithm.

It is important to understand that this data, which is exchanged between telephones, does not identify a person. Users are not disclosed who reported the coronavirus infection or any other personal information.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Quarantine in Vilnius

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Quarantine in Vilnius

The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease can spread without symptoms, so an infected person can spread the disease without knowing it. This means that when symptoms occur, the virus can already be transmitted to other people, and to stop its spread, it is not enough for people experiencing symptoms to stay at home. By using the Korona Stop LT application, an infected person can quickly alert other users of the application who are near them. In this way, each of us has the opportunity to learn early about a possible infection and take steps to protect ourselves and others.

The use of the Korona Stop LT app is a voluntary decision of each of us. Although it is not mandatory to do so, we must realize that we can only prevent the spread of the virus by acting together. By the way, you can use the app, stop using it, and resume it at any time.

What are the minimum operating system requirements for my phone?

  • Apple / iOS: Korona Stop LT app works on iPhone 6s or later, it can be installed on phones with iOS 13.5 or later.
  • Unfortunately, Apple no longer supports devices older than 4-5 years. You can find compatible devices here: Compatible iPhone Models.
  • Google / Android: Korona Stop LT runs on devices with Android 6 (Marshmallow) or later.
  • The gadget is compatible with devices running Android 23 and later versions of the Android application development interface, which Google’s solution installs on Android 6.0 or higher devices.
  • Older phones sometimes do not support the Bluetooth Low Energy feature.

Information on the risk of COVID-19 infection in the app is updated at least every 24 hours. The actual time may be a few hours behind the previous day. The update in this interval is due to API limitations and the need to ensure consistency between the versions of Korona Stop LT for iOS and Android.

It is important to know that if the device reported that it was near a person infected with coronavirus, that does not mean that it is really sick. In such cases, it is very important to stay home and monitor your symptoms. If you experience a dry cough, fever, or shortness of breath, talk to your GP. Recommendations and additional information will be provided in the app.

Scanpix photo / German Corona Stop app based on Corona Warn app

Scanpix photo / German Corona Stop app based on Corona Warn app

The smart app ensures the security of personal data

Decentralized data storage on the device user device ensures data privacy. Korona Stop LT does not monitor your location and does not have permission to do so. According to the Android operating system requirements, Bluetooth devices near the phone can only be detected if “Use location information” is enabled on the phone.Use location“). Enabling this option does not mean that applications using Bluetooth can automatically track your location.

How is anonymity ensured? Nearby phones can collect randomly generated keys. These random keys ensure data privacy and are constantly changing, preventing phone tracking.

No other information can be obtained from nearby devices. These random keys can only be associated with pseudonymous case verification codes, which are required to identify risk. Communication with user credentials or International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) of your phone is not possible.

Such identification will be used for verification purposes only and will not reveal any other personal information.

The random keys change every 10-20 minutes, so a person sitting next to you on the bus every day will not be able to associate you with a random key, even if a list of possible random keys is visible to verify. You only need to identify yourself once if you agree to upload your case verification code. Such identification will be used for verification purposes only and will not reveal any other personal information. Gadget users are responsible for the responsible use of the case verification code provided to them.

In addition, data on the proximity of the infected coronavirus infection is not stored centrally. This means that the system only knows that the breeder’s approval code belongs to the person for whom COVID-19 was confirmed. The system does not know with whom that person met or when and where the meeting took place. The application does not need to identify a person infected with COVID-19 to warn users who have been near them.

When you activate the general system “Use location information” setting, the application will not record your location and will never use GPS. You can check it yourself:

  • Open Settings on your phone (not in the app)
  • Choose Location & security info> Location info> Gadget-level permissions (Location & security> Location> App-level permissions).
  • A list of gadgets that can use your location information will open if you give them permission. The Korona Stop LT gadget will not be on this list.
  • In this section, you can allow or disallow other devices to use your location, but the Korona Stop LT device will not be on this list because it does not require this permission.

The Korona Stop LT app can be used by people over 16 years of age. If you have any questions, please contact tel. +370 5264 9676 (on the website during inquiry line business hours) or email email [email protected]. The price of the call depends on the rate or the service plan of your telephone service provider.

More information about the mobile application “Korona Stop LT” – HERE.
