The minister has established a vaccination procedure: patients with COVID-19 will not be vaccinated


Photo by Lukas Minkeviius (V)

Those with coronavirus will not be vaccinated in Lithuania. This is foreseen in the statement of the Minister of Health Arnas Dulkis, which regulates the order in which people will be vaccinated against COVID-19.

He added a comment from the president’s advisor: There could be more time.

Antibody testing is recommended during vaccination. Volunteers attending the treatment facilities will only be admitted to the priority group for less than 16 hours. in no more than 14 consecutive days.

According to the Minister’s statement, COVID-19 is vaccinated primarily by employees who provide personal inpatient health care services to patients with COVID-19 disease and by students who participate in the provision of services and in contact with patients with COVID-disease. 19.

Subsequently, resuscitation and intensive care personnel, emergency physicians, as well as personnel providing emergency medical care services for hospitalized patients, ambulance brigade personnel, and students who provide these services will be vaccinated.

It should be followed by vaccination by treatment staff who provide services to patients at increased risk of COVID-19 infection, such as those receiving immunosuppressive or chemotherapy treatment.

Then, vaccination is planned for patients at highest risk. Priority is given to patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease receiving continuous renal replacement therapy. The following are patients who have had hematopoietic stem cell or organ transplants.

Patients with oncohematologic disease will be vaccinated when chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or targeted treatment for oncohematologic disease is continued or completed, up to 24 months after completion. Sequentially selected individuals with immunodeficiency diseases with an antibody production defect who are receiving immunoglobulin replacement therapy.

This will be followed by vaccination of other personal health workers who contribute to COVID-19 treatment, as well as people who have volunteered at treatment facilities for at least 4 hours. in no more than 14 consecutive days.

It is planned to vaccinate the personnel of the Krato Ministry of Defense and Justice under the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Justice. Following the queue of mobile points and personnel from the military clinic.

It is then planned to vaccinate patients receiving supportive treatment and nursing services and employees who provide these services, followed by residents of social care institutions and employees and individuals who provide these services at home.

Vaccination of these groups would continue to vaccinate laboratory personnel conducting COVID-19 tests, including mini-samples, followed by COVID-19 epidemiological diagnosis specialists who need to undergo the disease.

The vaccination of all these groups is expected to include the vaccination of the remaining health workers who do not belong to other categories. Next, the pharmacists are vaccinated.

First of all, the elderly Mons.

After the emergency vaccination of workers, priority will continue to be given to the elderly: those over 80 will be vaccinated. It is planned to vaccinate all people over 65 years of age in the order of priority of the economy.

Vaccination staff and people who work with preschool, preschool and elementary school children and children with special needs will continue to be vaccinated.

Next, vaccination is planned for those under 65, but with at least one risk factor, giving priority to those with more than one. These include patients receiving immunosuppression, active immunomodulatory or cancer treatment, diabetic patients with complications, severe chronic cardiovascular complications, severe chronic lung disease, patients with severe chronic liver disease, people with severe chronic liver disease.

After the vaccination of this group of people, it is expected to continue vaccinating employees who perform important functions for society, maintaining public order, carrying out fire protection and rescue work, as well as customs, border guards, soldiers, places detention, educational institutions, employees of the energy and food industry.

After vaccination of all these groups, vaccination should be started for the entire remaining population, starting with the elderly.

Survivors are not vaccinated

The stipulation states that people with COVID-19 should not be vaccinated in the past three months, unless an antibody test indicates that the person does not have antibodies.

The recommendation recommends that anti-vaccination tests be carried out at the time of vaccination and that those who have it are not vaccinated.

Experts have previously said that anti-COVID-19 antibodies have been shown to provide the same level of protection for the body as vaccines.

There may be more time

Simon Krpta, the president’s senior adviser, says that according to the minister, the approved vaccination queue could include figures that could be used to assess the speed at which vaccination will take place.

In other countries, there are very early figures for each group of people, S. Krpta told reporters on Wednesday.

He also lost information on planned vaccines in the coming months.

Minister A. Dulkys said Tuesday that all doctors are planned to be vaccinated dry and the growing population is expected to be vaccinated in 2021. However, this will depend on how many vaccines will be approved and how quickly they will be available.

So far, the only approved vaccine in the European Union is BioNTech and Pfizer. You need an extremely low temperature.

Lithuania has received three shipments of this vaccine so far. The Ministry of Health has received confirmation that in the next three months Lithuania will reach 20 thousand every week. 475 doses of vaccine.

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