The migrants will be taken to the Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital, and the mayor is outraged by the ministry: he has come and is doing what he wants.


Starting next week, patients with a mild form of coronavirus infection are suspected of being ill and illegal immigrants who have been in contact with sick people will be transported to Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital.

Mayor of Rokiškis: we feel ignored

Ramūnas Godeliauskas, Mayor of the Rokiškis District Municipality, expressed the position that the Ministry of Health (SAM) had not informed the municipalities about the decision to take the migrants infected and potentially infected by COVID-19 to the Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital. . The mayor said he found out from unofficial sources as if it were a mystery.

SAM representatives soon said that said hospital is not subordinate to the municipality, but to the ministry, so there is no reason for the municipality to suffer. The ministry said it took care of all organizational problems.

R. Godeliauskas says that the municipality is not against the isolation of migrants in Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital, but the anger comes mainly from the ministry’s comments.

“There are conditions for that, everything is fine, we understand that this is not just a problem of the ministry or the government. This is a problem for the whole of Lithuania and we have to solve it together, but it is worrying and painful when SAM says that it is ours (Ministries – aut. last.) the institution and self-government should not interfere in this matter ”, says R. Godeliauskas.

According to the Rokiškis district mayor, the municipality feels a lack of dialogue from the ministry.

“Such statements and this approach to self-government do not lead to the search for common ways of solving the problem together. We feel ignored,” says R. Godeliauskas.

The mayor says he only learned of the plans to isolate the migrants at the hospital from local media. Local media have asked if there are any plans to isolate the migrants at the hospital.

“It is difficult to answer. Imagine that the mayor cannot say anything. People call all weekend, ask how they will be here, the mayor cannot say anything either, because he does not know anything. We are looking at the record of legal acts, no there is a decision of the director of operations, it seems that it appeared yesterday ”, says R. Godeliauskas.

The district mayor disagrees with the idea expressed earlier by the ministry that the municipality should not have to worry about the isolation of migrants. According to R. Godeliauskas, even if the migrants are isolated in the facilities of a hospital under the Ministry, they will need the help of local self-government.

“He will also need clothes, tools for children, medical services that the Republican Hospital of Panevėžys cannot provide. Of course, it is not only a matter for the ministry to do what it wants when it comes to the territory of another municipality, ”says R. Godeliauskas.

R. Godeliauskas says that the municipality has learned from the National Public Health Center (NVSC) that the psychiatric hospital facilities do not meet the requirements at present.

“There are no separate rooms, no sanitary areas, and no separate conditions for staff to change so that they do not enter the COVID-19 unit in their usual rooms for their patients. There are many outstanding issues in accordance with the requirements approved by the own ministry. I don’t know if they will be taken to the non-compliant premises next week, “says R. Godeliauskas.

Refugee protesting in Rūdninkai:

Hospital: a little fun, but getting ready

Algimantas Liausėdas, director of Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital, says the hospital is preparing for the arrival of migrants. A separate sanitary unit is currently being prepared.

“We are making an extra toilet, a toilet, because we were missing one. What we are doing specifically,” says A. Liausėdas on

The migrants are to be transferred to the hospital on September 23. A. Liausėdas says that the hospital will be ready before the arrival of the migrants.

According to A. Liausėdas, the response to the news that the hospital will have to accept illegal immigrants was calm.

“It just came to our attention then. This is a state problem,” says A. Liausėdas.

Concerned that the migrants’ accommodation could affect hospital patients and the quality of services provided to them, the hospital manager says the migrants and patients will have nothing in common.

“We only provide them with isolation rooms. Our patients will not meet or see them, it is a completely separate room, a separate approach, a separate walkway and they will not meet at all, they will have nothing in common. Our staff will not work there, only one nurse will register there. Everything else, protection and supervision is in charge of the Ministry of the Interior, “says A. Liausėdas.

SAM: Rokiškis psychiatric hospital will not live, and after ten to fourteen days it will be returned

The Deputy Minister of Health Danguolė Jankauskienė responded to the news portal that the isolation of COVID-19 patients is the responsibility of the municipalities according to the decisions of the operations managers.

“Still, we came to their aid by appointing a medical institution under the Ministry of Health instead of the municipality for mild patients who had a mild illness and had contact.

They will not live in Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital and will be returned after ten to fourteen days. If the migrants became more seriously ill, they would be transferred to other health care facilities in accordance with COVID-19 system of service coordination bodies.

Therefore, an additional workload is not foreseen for the institution subordinate to the municipality, the Rokiškis Hospital, unless the emergency situation changes drastically ”, responded Mr. Jankauskienė, SAM Deputy Minister, noting that this situation has been discussed with the mayor and his problems. have been cleared up.

Arūnas Dulkys

Dust: Migrants with COVID-19 to be housed at Rokiškis Hospital next week

Migrants with COVID-19 at Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital will start accommodation starting next week, says Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys.

“Approximately, if I remember correctly, the speech starts on the 23rd. But these are new solutions in which we continue to work and collaborate. There is such an organism alive here, every day the emergency commissions and people work there every day for 24 hours. per day recently. These solutions can still be diverse depending on the situation, ”A. Dulkys told LRT radio on Tuesday.

According to Lietuvos Rytas television on Monday, Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital managers confirmed that the facility is preparing around 60 places for migrants with mild or asymptomatic COVID-19. They would be housed in a separate fenced hospital area.

A. Dulkys told LRT radio that these decisions were necessary in the event of an emergency situation in the state, and emphasized that the migrants would not be housed in a medical institution subordinate to the municipality, but in the medical institution subordinate to the ministry. .

This year, more than 4.1 thousand people illegally crossed the border between Lithuania and Belarus. migrants. The increase in illegal migration has been declared an emergency. The country’s officials take the position that the increase in migratory flows is an organized action of the Minsk regime against Lithuania.
