The migrants who received the second dose of the vaccine in Lithuania quickly ran into problems: why then are we invited to get vaccinated?


Seek help

“I want your help with the vaccination problems of Lithuanian citizens living outside of Lithuania. The situation is that we live outside of Lithuania, so we receive the first dose of the vaccine in our current country of residence and we receive the second dose of the vaccine in Lithuania. Due to certain circumstances, two vaccinations were necessary.

The situation is now that we have two digital certificates from the EU in two countries, and both certificates show that only one dose of the vaccine has been received. By scanning the QR codes, they both show that the vaccination is incomplete, “Delfi said.

The migrants who received the second dose of the vaccine in Lithuania quickly ran into problems: why then are we invited to get vaccinated?

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

According to her, when she called 1808, she raised the question of whether she would actually be granted a valid EU digital certificate.

“They were told to bring the documents proving the first vaccination (which had not even been checked) and they were told that everything would be in order. But today (Monday – Delfi) it shows me that it is not valid, because the vaccination is incomplete.

Although in eHealth I see that it is clearly written that I have received the second dose of the vaccine. I have practically two vaccines, but the system only shows one. Will I have to get a third vaccine when I return to my current country of residence to obtain a valid EU digital certificate? ”Asked the migrant in question.

He also noted that the eHealth Registry Center was unable to answer the question, but ordered the Open Europe information to be read, as the migrants were classified as travelers.

“Why are people like us invited to get vaccinated if the system is not working? And now we have a lot of things to do when crossing borders, ”the woman complained.

When Delfi was asked to comment on the situation to SAM, they acknowledged that the system was not fully optimized to take into account the vaccines received in different countries.

“It is not possible to transfer data on vaccinations carried out in another country to e-health, so it is currently not possible to issue an EU digital COVID certificate based on the fact of vaccination in another country.

The EU digital COVID certificate is generated on the eHealth database. Lithuania’s EU digital COVID certificate is issued when a vaccination has been performed in Lithuania and data has been entered in e-health.

A functionality is currently being implemented that will allow you to see the vaccination facts, even if the person has been vaccinated in different states. The implementation of this functionality is scheduled for 2021. August. Secondly.

The situation with the coronavirus is getting worse

The epidemiological situation in the country is only deteriorating. According to data provided by the Department of Statistics on Friday morning, Lithuania entered the new COVID-19 zone – red C2.

According to the data presented on Friday, 100,000. population for 16 days in 167 cases.

Exceeding 200 cases per 100,000. population, within 14 days, or if more than 10 percent positive tests are reached, the entire country will enter the last C3 COVID-19 red zone.

And more than 500 cases, 100 thousand. the country would already be in the black zone of COVID-19 in 14 days.

The number of new cases topped 500 on Friday and Wednesday. The last time more than 500 cases were detected was at the end of May.

Due to the unscheduled work of the Registry Center in the e-health system, Lithuania Statistics claims that it has received inaccurate data on new coronavirus cases.

“Therefore, today’s COVID-19 operational report publishes incomplete laboratory results. These disruptions also affect the number of new cases,” the report said Thursday.

As previously announced, on the last day 218 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Lithuania, 2282 molecular tests (PCR) and 6875 of antigens were carried out on the presumed coronavirus.

Lithuania Statistics reports that due to subsequent lab test results received from the Records Center’s eHealth system, incomplete lab test results were published in the COVID-19 operational report on Thursday. These disorders also affected the number of new cases.

The number of new cases as of August 4 was 462.

14-day rate of new cases per 100,000. population – 156.3. This means that Lithuania reached the C2 COVID-19 zone already on Thursday.

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