The merchants calculated how much the one-week claim cost: the amounts exceed 50 thousand.


Lasted exactly one week

Already on December 7, the previous government approved a resolution that, as announced, entered into force in the country on Wednesday, December 9, with certain changes related to parking at points of sale.

It has been announced that car parks near shops, supermarkets, markets and other public outlets can only be 20% occupied. parking spaces, excluding spaces for staff and the disabled.

Aurelijus Veryga, then acting Health Minister, assured that the limitation of the number of cars would be introduced as an alternative to the complete closure of non-essential stores and would reduce the flow of people in the stores.

Supermarkets fenced off parking lots, stop lanes, wooden pallets, constructed signs, and residents even parked cars in apartment building yards.

However, in support of the mandate, the new government decided last Sunday to take tougher measures to manage the pandemic and decided to close non-food stores as of December 16, abandoning the aforementioned restriction in stores near stores and supermarkets.

Representatives of the largest Delfi supermarkets and chains agreed to calculate the cost of said government resolution.

Worked at night, it cost 55 thousand. EUR

Ernesta Dapkienė, director of Maxima’s Image and Communication Department, said the network quickly implemented this government requirement, although she recognized that it was a real challenge.

“Even though we had very little time to implement this government requirement, we managed to put in place restrictions on time in parking lots near all Maxima stores.

There are 252 Maxima stores in Lithuania and there are almost 300 thousand. an area of ​​square meters that needed to be fenced off or limited in some way. It was physically impossible to implement this government requirement in such a short time, but we worked hard at night. We also faced difficulties to buy stands that were scarce in the market, ”he said.

According to E. Dapkienė, in the parking lots next to all the larger Maxima stores, special plastic supports with stop strips were installed, and next to the smaller stores, only wooden pallets.

According to the network communication chief, a total of 55,000 LTL was spent restricting parking. Eur, as he added, is the amount, which includes the purchase of the stands, the STOP protective tape and the installation of the night stands.
“There will also be additional costs for dismantling these parking restrictions,” he said.

Did not receive funds

Renata Keršienė, head of Public Relations at Rimi Lietuva, also assured that the retail chain has had difficulties in complying with the government’s instructions due to the lack of measures.

“The biggest difficulties in implementing the unexpected order to limit the number of parking spaces near supermarkets was the lack of measures: the necessary number of segmental fences could not be found on the market, other solutions had to be found, for example, Pub.

Additionally, contractors were unprepared for such a steep rise in demand for their services, delaying work at the sites of several supermarkets.

The merchants calculated how much the one-week claim cost: the amounts exceed 50 thousand.

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Neighbors’ cars left in supermarket parking lots also caused additional difficulties – after several nights we found dismantled and broken partitions, ”he said.

According to R. Keršienė, the installation and dismantling of temporary barriers in 25 parking lots near Rimi-owned or fully managed shopping centers, which do not have an automatic control system, cost the network around 20 thousand. euros.

The newsroom also asked Panorama, Akropolis and Ozas malls how much money they spent on parking restrictions. The latter refrained from commenting and the text will be completed after receiving the responses from Panorama and Akropolis.

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