The mayor of Visaginas has not received any response from the government about the use of the vaccine for two weeks.


Unused AstraZeneca doses are stored in warehouses in these regions, but are not yet available for vaccination in other populations.

No response received

The mayor of Visaginas, who has been criticized for the vaccination situation, has long sent a request to the government to allow people of other age groups to be vaccinated, but has not received a response.

The mayor of Visaginas, Erlandas Galaguz, told the news portal that on March 5 she wrote to the Government requesting that the use of available vaccines be allowed for the vaccination of other population groups.

“We would like to vaccinate people of other age groups, like police officers, because they interact a lot with people. I think there are many young people among them who would agree to get vaccinated. We have not received any response, “said the mayor, assuring him that he had only received general information from the media that the Ministry of Health (SAM) intended to address the issue.

Hope the vaccination doesn’t stop

Visaginas currently has 800 unused doses of AstraZeneca and all doses received from Pfizer are being used.

When asked if the people at Visaginas were really more inclined to trust and wait for a Slavic vaccine, Galaguz replied: But even that case, when one of the vaccine shipments was returned, it has a negative effect. After all, when you hear about poor quality shipment, trust in the manufacturer drops. In our city, would the question arise if a nuclear power plant decides to work a shift with poor quality? So I wonder if we can talk about security. The mayor shared his thoughts.

The interviewee expected that Pfizer’s continuous supply of vaccines would be fluid and assured him that all of them would be used.

M.Sinkevičius: “It makes sense to think about movement restrictions”

The head of the Association of Municipalities of Lithuania, the mayor of the district of Jonava Mindaugas Sinkevičius, when asked about the residents of Šalčininkai and Visaginas waiting for the Russian vaccine “Sputnik V”, said: “I would like people to understand the situation … I will ask if any of the citizens of our country maybe there were others who now live in Visaginas, he says: “Ladies and gentlemen, you can wait as long as you want until it freezes, but in our country we will only use approved vaccines by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). We do not plan to buy (“Sputnik V” – aut. Past.) And from the East we do not expect what will not be, take advantage of what we offer you, because while you wait you will put yourself in danger and the others, you can not wait or leave early to San Pedro “.

M.Sinkevičius considered whether someone explained to the residents of these regions that such a wait for a Russian vaccine is pointless. “We are all waiting for something, as if we are moving away from those regions and there is no attempt to explain to these people that there are vaccines on the menu right now, there are no others and no one will take them. I miss clearer communication, “he said, adding that from a state perspective, they would prolong a situation where specific areas refuse to vaccinate or wait, and vaccination rates in these municipalities will be extremely slow.

Although, according to M.Sinkevičius, these districts are already on the list of those municipalities where movement is restricted.

“If someone does not want to be vaccinated and is waiting for something, and at the same time represents a threat to himself and others, then when thinking about the edges, one should also think about the traffic restrictions, but they already coincide with the existing ones. I miss more the attractiveness of those people, “said the head of the LSA.

The situation is similar in Estonia

Šalčininkai and Visaginas are not very exclusive due to their sympathy for the Russian vaccine. A similar situation occurred in the Russian-speaking region of Estonia in Narva.

Although Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid recently vaccinated AstraZeneca against television cameras, a part of the population does not seem to have been impressed. Surveys of residents of the region show that residents prefer to wait and receive the Sputnik V vaccine.

Following the vaccination procedure, the president addressed the Russian-speaking population in Russian, stressing that the vaccine was very similar in its characteristics to the Sputnik V vaccine, and asked that they be actively vaccinated.
