The mass phenomenon in the United States may bring new dangers: it began long before the short


Why do we need a political trial?

Communication expert Mykolas Katkus says on the Delfi diena program that Donald Trump’s fate reminds him of a case in Lithuania, accused of Rolandas Paksas.

“Rolandas Paksas would be a good comparison with Donald Trump. It is even strange that I always avoid comparisons a lot, but the end of the presidency of Rolandas Paksas, the circle of friends, is very similar “, says the expert at the beginning of Delfi Day.

According to him, the impeachment of D. Trump is necessary for Republicans to ensure that he will not run in 2024. Republicans also feel the pressure not only from business, but also from society itself, so getting rid of the influence of D. Trump would allow the party to rehabilitate itself in some way.

Mykolas Katkus

Mykolas Katkus

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“It seems that it has already been decided that it is much more convenient to get rid of the influence of Donald Trump in the party, because that influence is harmful and has led the Republican Party to the worst imaginable situation. And such a complete defeat, it seems to me, was experienced by the Republicans in 1894. Obviously, the Republican leadership, the people want to get rid of the threat and this. I think impeachment is completely real because, as far as I know, it requires two-thirds of the vote.

Without the Republicans, that impeachment won’t happen, and it seems to me that the pressure to impeach and get rid of the public shortly is really great. His impeachment is the guarantee that he will not be able to run in the 2024 presidential elections, in which he probably would not have participated, but when you have that opportunity, you can pressure the party to behave as you want. In this case, in addition to Twitter and other things, it will open the door to new leaders who will compete for the position of leader of that party, ”says M. Katkus on the Delfi Day program.

“If you ask me, I’m not sure if guilt in this place is the best solution, it’s a risky decision,” added the interlocutor to the program.

Asked about Katkus’s opinion on the future of the United States, the interlocutor assured that the United States was lucky that Joe Biden was elected head of state.

“The first thing is good that we have Joe Biden, not any other Democrat, because those last Trumps infuriated before the elections, in the past Joe Biden was probably the only Democratic candidate who could have beaten Trump in the main elections before. In the end, it already seemed that there could be much more radical candidates who could have defeated Trump, which would likely be bad as he would move from one extreme to the other.

So Biden is definitely the right candidate. He is a man who has devoted his entire political career to American politics. He always looked for a middle ground, never a very radical activist. He had connections with traditional sponsors, ”says M. Katkus on the Delfi Day program.

In America, there is more and more censorship

Vladimir Laučius, an analyst at the Center for Eastern European Studies, says on Delfi Day that the decision to block Mr. Trump’s social media is reminiscent of censorship. German Chancellor Angela Merkel also spoke about this.

Angela Merkel’s reaction was also negative for this decision. Here we see such dangers for the future, and we also see the origin, the genesis of this decision, since the tendency to censor dissidents is increasingly characteristic of Western democracies.

In the United States, this takes completely elusive forms when university professors are first invited to lecture, then a reunited faculty finds that once that professor has written an article that it may give the impression that his approach to a woman It is not entirely appropriate, your no longer invites, and then you send a letter to the teacher that maybe we no longer invite you.

Vladimir Laučius

Vladimir Laučius

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Such things are just one example, but in America it is a mass phenomenon. Censorship already exists there, it didn’t start with Trump, but long before. I believe that Trump is one of the consequences of these phenomena, precisely because the desire to silence those whose opinion does not conform to the prevailing political culture is increasingly visible in the United States, ”says V. Laučius.

According to communication expert M. Katkus, following the decision of Facebook and Twitter, these two platforms will definitely change.

“I think that the tweet and Facebook’s decision will have enormous consequences because now they can no longer say that they are not responsible for the content, because if you kick Donald Trump, what does Kiseliov, the Holocaust deniers, do there? On the other hand, it requires editorial policy, people, you have to take responsibility for what is printed there. This means that these two platforms will change a lot, ”says M. Katkus.

Donald trump

Donald trump

© Capital Pictures / Scanpix

Twitter was the Republican president’s favorite tool for direct daily communication with about 88 million people. followers. He posted everything from statements to accusations to Twitter, and the social network has flagged many of his posts as fake.

Social media operators say Trump could use his accounts to generate more unrest ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.

On Monday, Twitter went one step further and announced that it had blocked “more than 70,000. accounts related to QAnon’s far-right conspiracy theory. His followers believe that D. Trump is at war with a secret sect of global liberal pedophiles who worship Satan.

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