The Maslauskas shoemakers will soon swing their firstborn: “We want to be young parents”


Lithuanian footwear creators Benas Maslauskas and Gintarė Petreikytė, who got married in Palanga a year ago, already seemed to create each other: the business couple immediately returned to work after the wedding and did not even doubt the joint decision to exchange. your honeymoon for a professional expression. Benas and Gintarė, the leaders of perfectionism, innovation and mutual support, have implemented an idea matured in recent years, and soon fans of Batų namai shoes will get acquainted with the new and extremely innovative footwear brand Mas Laus.

“We did not care about the rest after the wedding and during the quarantine. We wanted to work and we did it successfully. Of course, due to the closed world, some responsibilities were put aside, but there was little time to survive, we enjoyed the time for a special project. The only week we had more free time was during the Christmas period, “says B. Maslauskas.

Gintarė and Benas Maslauskas / Photo by Karina and Gintas

Gintarė and Benas Maslauskas / Photo by Karina and Gintas

In April, the young shoemaker received news that changed his life: his wife Gintarė became pregnant. The man heard this message a few days before his 25th birthday. Now he smiles because all worries became irrelevant at that moment, and his heart was permeated with emotions never before recorded.

“We are very happy and expecting a baby. When Gintarė informed me of this news, I was driving towards Kaunas. I saw that my wife was sending me some kind of photo and that I could take a closer look, I stopped at the gas station. seconds, but I finally got caught up in what was going on. The last details came to my mind when I saw Amber at home. I was so glad, it was so good. We talked to my wife a long time ago that we want to be young parents We are not so hard-working professionals that we sacrifice family happiness for our work, ”says Ben.

The businessman does not hide that he and his wife have now become stronger than ever, their team has become inseparable, and they also have a positive vision of the future and the intertwining of the personal and professional spheres.

Gintarė and Benas Maslauskas / Photo by Karina and Gintas

Gintarė and Benas Maslauskas / Photo by Karina and Gintas

“The most important thing for us is inner peace. I think we rush a lot, we fly, we work, but when the baby is born, it will have to change. A family member will adapt to the usual rhythm, but we will not get out of it at all Both I and Gintarė will change responsibilities, we will work as a team, which we have done successfully so far.

I’m definitely not going to be the man who only cares about business. In the first months, the baby is the one who needs his mother the most, so I may be a bad help, well, but I will be able to change diapers and help around the house. We’ll see, we haven’t planned anything yet. We have great-grandmothers that I think will help. The baby is very pregnant. Usually Amber and I put everything together, meditate calmly, don’t rush anywhere. We know we will succeed and the business will not suffer, “says Ben.

The couple are celebrating their wedding anniversary on June 13, but plan to celebrate just a few days later.

Benas Maslauskas and Gintarė Petreikytė got married

Benas Maslauskas and Gintarė Petreikytė got married

“We want to present the new project, and then we relax a bit, we go together by the sea. We are one of those families who do not need to plan something for special occasions. If we rest, it tends to be invented quickly and quickly.

At the moment, all thoughts revolve around the baby and the new project, which is not really that new. The idea of ​​an exclusive shoe brand was also supported by my dear memory, Jean. He was well aware of our desire to create something that does not yet exist in Lithuania, so with his blessing and the help of a great team, Gintare and I finally made our aspirations come true, ”says Benas.
