The Marmaluzi producer and the Food Service disputed


At the time, the Food and Veterinary Bureau said the company’s complaints were unfounded, noting that there was a tendency for companies to seek “intercession” in the public sphere when violations were identified, perhaps in an attempt to deflect the attention to actual violations.

According to Straiko, the service received information about Marmaluzi and other information in the style of fairy tales.

“After the first accusations were made in the fall, we felt that this behavior by SFVS staff was a misunderstanding due to overzealous enforcement of the letter of the regulations. We have provided explanations from lawyers and comments from doctors, but the SFVS does not respond to them, not to mention that it does not stop holding on. We are awaiting a fine, but we still hope common sense prevails, ”the company states on its website.

At the time, the Food and Veterinary Bureau says that ending irregularities or giving unwarranted reservations to a business cannot be tolerated.

“The SFVS is of the opinion that the allegations of excessive bureaucracy by the company in this case are unfounded, since it has been given a sufficiently long period (around half a year) to correct the deficiencies and no pending administrative sanctions have been imposed on the company Concrete corrective action. ”Says the service.

According to her, although the Marmaluzi producers present themselves as a small company that exclusively produces Lithuanian products, they import a significant part of their raw materials from third countries, such as Belarus.

“During the six years of operation, not only food labels or advertising were identified, but also food safety violations, such as acrylamides in marmaluzi mashed potatoes and nitrates in zucchini puree,” the agency said.

Last year, SFVS discovered that the company’s product descriptions use prohibited claims about their properties, nutrition and health.
