The man’s money was imprisoned in the bank: the account was blocked, but taxes were calculated


The salary balance became a bank guarantee.

“I found myself in a situation where I became a guarantee for the SEB banks, or more precisely, the balance of my salary in the bank became a guarantee,” says the director of the Auto Parts online store. – In the spring, I transferred money from my UK account to SEB Bank. After a few months, the bank supposedly realized that it was “dirty or terrorist money,” so they asked me to justify its origin. “

According to him, Gytautas sent the bank a copy of last year’s statement from the State Tax Inspection (STI), which allegedly shows an amount of money greater than that requested to be verified. According to him, this was not enough, so the bank has blocked his account since the beginning of October, but continues to discount bank fees.

“I sent a copy of last year’s statement submitted to STI, which clearly shows the amount several times higher than the justification requested. For some reason this was not enough for the bank, apparently there are other ways to declare income in Lithuania that I am not aware of.

Since October 2, my account has been blocked, except for bank charges. I wrote a request to close the account by transferring the balance to another bank, but there was no reaction ”, assures the interlocutor and adds that he wrote a complaint to the Bank of Lithuania, but, as he says, he understood from the answer that he would not pay anything.

The man's money was imprisoned in the bank: the account was blocked, but taxes were calculated

© DELFI / Mindaugas Ažušilis

“Now, everywhere in silence, the bank silently” swallows “my money for” services “. I could go to court, but he will probably only confirm that I support terrorism, and the bank is right”, he does not hide the man.

The entrepreneur mentions after opening a bank account at another bank and receiving confirmation there that the STI statement is sufficient proof of the origin of the money.

“I can conclude that by law, a person – zero, has no rights, but has a duty to pay taxes,” he emphasizes.

SEB Bank: customers can close an account and withdraw the balance

SEB Bank media representative Ieva Dauguvietytė-Daskevičienė notes that SEB Bank complies with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing and other legal acts, and pays great attention to the implementation of the principle of “Know your customer”.

“The law clearly requires financial institutions to constantly monitor clients ‘business relationships, understand their transactions, and choose the appropriate means to identify and verify the sources of clients’ funds and assets,” he explains.

The man's money was imprisoned in the bank: the account was blocked, but taxes were calculated

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

According to the representative of the SEB, the bank evaluates each situation individually and requests only those documents or information that are necessary for the specific situation and allow verifying the legality of the origin of the client’s funds and assets.

“In some cases, we can request documents from clients that operate abroad through our bank accounts to prove sources of funds abroad. STI’s statement, considering the totality of the data, is not always sufficient, ”says I. Dauguvietytė-Daskevičienė.

If the client refuses to provide additional information on the origin of the funds or assets, the law requires the bank to limit or in some cases terminate the business relationship with the client. A representative of SEB bankas ensures that in such a case, clients can submit a request to close the account and withdraw the balance of funds.

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