The man who served his sentence in Pravieniškės – about the coronavirus behind bars: it is important not to complain to anyone, then everything will be fine | Lifetime


An audio recording sent by Tom but asking not to be made public actually says the official’s words that “we will save the dying” and also says there is only one doctor.

“It was all when the quarantine started in Lithuania. We were on guard at that time (Some prisoners have so-called neglected status, can use telephones, work – aut.) we could use phones. We had 22 people. They all had the same symptoms, high fever. The bones were broken, it was difficult to breathe. Symptoms of COVID-19.

We went to the platoon leader, we told him it was very bad for us. The platoon leader said there were no doctors, one for every 700 convicts.

We tried calling the hotline by calling the COVID-19 hotline. In some miraculous way, the correctional facility’s administration found out, called, and canceled. Although he is socially insured, he works legally, but those privileges are not granted even when he is sick, when he is sick.

In addition, it was necessary to go back and forth almost 2 kilometers with that temperature every day, ”said Tom.

For all diseases: one medicine

According to Tomás, there were constant problems with medical help, and the only cure for all diseases was only paracetamol: “Do you have pain in your toe or in your abdomen? Paracetamol. So we asked some friends to bring it.

And attitude. They told us: if he’s that sick, if he’s sick, we’ll lock him up in the area and sit down. There it is important not to complain to anyone and then everything will be fine.

As for the previous case during the first wave of the virus, we were working on construction. One person interacted with the Ukrainians, worked with them. The Ukrainians soon fell ill, and then we did. Corrections in the house quietly and calmly proclaimed such an emergency: there was a meeting of the authorities, what to do with those who have temperatures.

After that time we just started to check our temperature. If he had a fever, they would put him in a temporary holding cell. And saved. Everyone was very afraid of that thermometer, but not to close it. Nobody tried it or what. Although we ask to try. They told us we don’t provide such a service, “Tom said.

If he had a fever, they would put him in a temporary holding cell. And saved.

According to him, if the prison needed medical help and an ambulance, they had to wait a few hours: “If you need an ambulance, first go to the doctor. Then paperwork is handled so that the ambulance can enter the area. Wait 2-3 hours. There are already more controls when the doctors arrive. Then just look at you. People even poke around hoping to bleed. Here’s a catastrophe. “

Tom said it was difficult to talk to the prison administration because it was later alleged that a way was found for the convict to write a reprimand and impose a sentence.

“Assign to a discipline if the rules do not apply to you. It is difficult to speak. The director himself does not communicate at all with the prisoners. The deputy also does not speak “, Tom said.

Speaking about quarantine and pandemics, Tom mentioned that the officers at the facility did not protect themselves adequately during the first wave of the virus, and that the convicts who had no temperature had to huddle in one place during the lineup, which is also not recommended. nuotr./Koronavirusas (COVID-19) nuotr./Koronavirusas (COVID-19)

More than 2,200 tests performed

According to the Lithuanian Department of Prisons, during the period of the pandemic (until October 26) a total of 2,201 COVID-19 infection tests were carried out on detainees and prisoners in prisons.

From the start of the pandemic until October 27. Positive COVID-19 were received by 10 employees of the prison system (5 of them working in the administration of the Department of Prisons) and 6 convicts (detainees): 1 in the Kaunas remand center (they arrived to serve a sentence of arrest and with a positive test) passed outside the institution, isolated at home), 4 in the third sector of the Pravieniškės Correctional Center.

Department of Prisons 15 minutes reported that diagnostic tests for the correction of COVID-19 in establishments starting in March 2020. It is carried out periodically for the institution’s officials and other employees who have contact with the convicted persons.

“All newly arrested or convicted individuals and individuals whose doctor suspects symptoms of COVID-19 or contacts with individuals with COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) are also screened.

Due to the possible spread of the virus, prison institutions are implementing various preventive measures established in the Recommendations to the Department of Prisons of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania and its subordinate institutions, ensuring the proper functioning of these institutions in the state of emergency . February 26 by resolution no. 152, the recommendations of the Emergency Operations Center and the National Center for Public Health are being implemented.

The health of employees and prisoners is constantly monitored, disinfection is carried out in official and common use premises, in the residential areas of prisoners, the premises are cleaned and ventilated.

Office vehicles are also disinfected, with special attention to escort vehicles. In addition to the urgent need, the transfer of convicts and detainees from one institution to another is not organized.

All newly arrived convicts are kept under quarantine conditions, tested for COVID-19, and only assigned to a platoon in the event of a negative test result.

Since March, all prison staff and officials have been regularly screened for the COVID-19 virus. Officers wear masks, avoid unnecessary contact.

Body temperature is measured with non-contact thermometers for people entering the institution. Workers must wear masks and other protective equipment in workplaces and public places.

Some staff members whose nature of work does not involve the direct care of inmates work remotely. Working hours have been modified to ensure the least possible contact between employees, work is organized in shifts.

Long-term meetings of prisoners and detainees are not organized, only short-term meetings without contact are allowed. “Access of unauthorized persons to correctional institutions is restricted and other preventive measures are implemented,” it is written 15 minutes in the answer provided.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min photo / Pravieniškės

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min photo / Pravieniškės

The shortage of health care specialists is no greater than in Lithuania as a whole.

How 15 minutes said the Kaišiadorys ambulance doctors, the trip to the prison territory is only in an exceptional case, when the convict cannot be brought to the entrance of the institution. Then when you have to drive a car, the paperwork takes time, because the car is inspected, the medical phones are collected: “These paperwork really take time, but the caregivers just do their job.”

How is medical care organized in a prison in general? Is there really a shortage of doctors here? Answer these questions 15 minutes he also asked the Lithuanian Department of Prisons.

“Personal medical care in correctional institutions is organized and carried out in accordance with the medical care laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

The shortage of human resources (health specialists) is no greater than in the whole of Lithuania. The provision of health services in penitentiary institutions is guaranteed. There is no shortage of drugs and medical supplies.

We want to point out that those convicted in neglect receive medical attention from the health institutions to which they are subscribed.

Because they can move freely, they are treated by their family doctors. In addition, convicted persons who have the right to remain unguarded also have the right to have and dispose of cash, so that they can acquire the tools they want for themselves. They also have the right to use mobile phones. Therefore, if the convict himself calls the ambulance, the agents will not be able to cancel it, ”said the representatives of the Department of Prisons.

Currently, 1941 convicts are serving their sentences in the open colony of the Pravieniškės correctional institution, and 23 specialists (16 nurses and 7 doctors) provide health care services.

“The number of people assigned to doctors in a correctional institution is less than the number of family doctors who work with people in prison. We also remind you that convicts in neglect receive health care services from health care institutions to those that are subscribed.

An ambulance is immediately entered. And there are no restrictions on the access of prisoners, who live in a separate building in the town of Pravieniškės, to the residential area.

In prisons, access to doctors and medical care is carried out in the same order as in freedom. A person who complains of being sick, goes out of turn to the treating doctor and all necessary help is given. The doctor decides what evidence the complainant needs, what treatment to give ” 15 minutes in the reply sent.
