The man Ronaldo refused to change shirts with: R. Gosens, who played the kung-fu kick, became the best match player


German team in Group F match of Euro 2020 Championship 4 – 2 defeated the Portuguese footballers and credited them with their first victory.

The defender of the German team was chosen as the best player of the match Robin gossens. He added a goal and a successful pass to victory, and also made a significant “contribution” to Rubeno Diaso goal in his own goal.

Furthermore, the most effective moment of R. Gosens’ match was not reflected in the protocol. At the start of the match, the German sent the ball into the Portuguese goal with a rare kung-fu kick, but the episode was offside.

UEFA representative Steffena’s friends After the match, R. Gosens was praised: “Wonderful performance from the left wing defender of the German national team. He participated in almost all the attacks that ended in goals, and in the end he scored the goal himself. R. Gosens performed perfectly without the ball and excelled both in attack and defense. It was a world-class show. “

A German journalist spoke similarly to the official UEFA website Phil Roberis. He stated that before R. Gosens, a hat should be removed after such a match.

It is symbolic that R. Gosens starred in the most memorable performance of his career just before Cristiano Ronaldo run by the Portuguese team. The German revealed a couple of months ago the story of how Ronaldo made him feel ashamed after one of the games.

“After the Juventus game, I tried to make my dream of owning a Ronald jersey come true,” says Gosens, 26, in his biography, Dreams are worth it. “After the last whistle, I went up to him and asked him: ‘Cristiano, can you give me your shirt?’ He didn’t even look at me and said ‘no’.

Gosens recounted how he felt after this event, which happened with a previously considered ideal.

“I was completely crying and embarrassed,” Gosens said. “I went further and felt very lean. You know the moment something embarrassing happens and you look around, did anyone notice? That’s what happened to me and I tried to hide it. “

Euro 2020 calendar

06/20 Italy 19:00 Welsh
06/20 Swiss 19:00 Turkey
06/21 North macedonia 19:00 The Netherlands
06/21 Ukraine 19:00 Austria
06/21 Russia 22:00 Denmark
06/21 Finland 22:00 Belgium

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