The long-awaited good news from the Mayor of Alytus is for residents of four city streets.


June 6, 2020

“It will not be very comfortable for you to live at the end of June. A lot of equipment, sound, outsiders. It will take a little patience, and then life will be much more comfortable and clean. Already this month, we will begin to build asphalt on its streets”, said the mayor of the city municipality, Nerijus Cesiulis, after meeting with the residents of Genių and Vėtrungės streets, which was received with wide smiles and loud applause from the residents of Alytus.

After lengthy negotiations, the Alytus City Municipality received additional government funds for four city streets.

Already this summer, residents of Genių, Vėtrungė, Ryto and Rugių streets will be driving not on dusty gravel, but on an asphalt road.

Asphalt has been waiting for decades. Residents of Genių and Vėtrungės streets who met with Mayor N. Cesiulis made no secret of their surprise; after all, its streets were planned to be paved at best just a few years later. And it turned out that road construction work will begin in late June.

“The paved streets here have been waiting for people for many years and would have been waiting for a long time.” However, from the beginning of my mandate, I did not give peace to the Minister of Transport and Communications, the government representatives, I went to the meetings, I kept calling. I am glad that the effort was not in vain. Today, it is a lot of fun to look residents in the eye and announce that they will have a paved street very soon, and not in the future, ”said the mayor of the city of Alytus municipality happily.

The mayor wanted to meet with the residents and consult before the work began, so that there would be various and rare problems with access, thujas, fences planted on state land, etc.

Gengu Street resident Danguolė and his mother Onutė said the paved streets had been waiting for many years, but the promises remained promises. “I have met many times with mayors, all kinds of specialists. Not very fond memories. Now it is a pleasure: such an unexpected visit that the specialists who attended answered long-standing questions not only on the road, but also on the supply of water, gas, accesses and the fence of the neighbors. Thanks to the mayor, who really cares about the common people of the city “, – thanked the residents of Genių street.

A record number of paved streets. Next week, the mayor of Alytus City Municipality plans to meet with residents of Ryto and Rugių streets, they will also hear good news: the gravel roads will be replaced by the long-awaited asphalt.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications has allocated a total of 150 million from the state reserve to promote business. Eur, distributed them to the municipalities and to the Lithuanian Highway Administration. Alytus Genių st. received 50 thousand for review. Eur, Vėtrungės st. for review – 100 thousand. Eur, Ryto g. for capital repairs – 120 thousand. Eur, and Rugių st. for capital repairs – 50 thousand. EUR.

“When allocating money, the ministry does not look at the order of the streets. The projects of these streets are simple, the streets themselves are small, therefore, the deadlines for the completion of their works are short. Our department plans to pave the streets ahead of time so we can start working as soon as we receive funds. We hope the city mayor can get even more extra money: then the Sudvajai and Likišk theliai roundabout, the bike and pedestrian path on Pramon streets will be paved Rainbows, Rainbow, Kreivoji, Dailidžių and Naujosios st. Stages 4 and 5, “said Sigitas Stumbras, Deputy Head of the Construction Division of the Municipal Administration of the City of Alytus.

Funding was also received from Naujosios Street. for the section of Statybininkų st. intersections at the intersection of Jazminų and Vilties Streets for repair (Phase II) – including 193.2 thousand. EUR.

It looks like this year will be a record for the city of Alytus – there haven’t been as many new streets in the city yet.

Paving of Kalnų, Mėtų, Šlaito and Saulės streets will also start this year, Kaln Kalnų and Ežerėlio streets will be completed.
