The liver once again horrifies the medical community with new statements: strange brochures have reached the population


Part of the population received brochures in their mailboxes, one of which talks about the harm of vaccines to fertility and quotes the “embryologist Aušra Blažėnienė”.

And the other brochure is with the opinion of parliamentarian Dainius Kepenis on the fact that “the unilateral fight against combat only with the help of vaccines clearly shows the commercial character.”

In that pamphlet, the parliamentarian talks about the need to take care of innate immunity, criticizes the Ministries of Education, Sports and Health for not talking about it, and writes about “the great global multimillion-dollar project to fight the global mafia.”



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The liver does not reject words

Mr. Kepenis confirmed that this was his opinion.

“I did not print the brochures. The public asked my opinion. I told them that opinion. They put it in a brochure. I do not reject that opinion,” said D. Kepenis.

He said that he would certainly have reproached those ministries.

“June is over, have you heard of any of them calling to take care of their health, immunity?” Vaccination is a specific immunity, we are talking about a natural immunity that protects not only from one disease, but you can prevent hundreds of diseases if you lead a healthy life ”, said D. Kepenis.

Although most MPs behaved differently and simply tried to inspire people to get vaccinated by their example, D. Kepenis behaves differently.

“I am not vaccinated, my wife is not vaccinated and my children are not vaccinated. Why? They see that their father never gets sick because he takes care of himself every day so as not to get sick. And they understand it perfectly and they do it. (…) I was also in self-isolation, because my test was positive, nothing happened to me, ”said D. Kepenis.

Affirmations are called liars

Vytautas Usonis, doctor of medical sciences, professor at the Clinic for Childhood Diseases of the Vilnius University Medical Faculty, physician at the Children’s Hospital Pediatric Center, did not even want to enter into conversations with D. Kepenis.

“You know, you have to tell the person that they are not at that address. In Lithuania, there is the State Drug Control Service, the drug safety system, including vaccines, and the Ministry of Health. Lithuania is a country Of the European Union and in matters of drug safety it is the European Medicines Agency, and we are members of that agency and we send information on adverse reactions to medicines, it is necessary to apply and do it with facts that are accepted in normal life. Don’t throw people into mailboxes, ”said V. Usonis.

A licensed physician called this behavior the simplest cloudiness of water. Speaking about the strong personal health of D. Kepenis, the doctor responded as follows: “Very well, God give him health. I just don’t know if there is any evidence that his followers are healthier than others. I also feel completely healthy. But I am very happy that I had two doses of the vaccine. I am still being tested for antibodies at my workplace and I am calm. “

“I would like to emphasize at this point that this is not an address for that recipient. The question must be asked where the problem can be solved. If I receive such a brochure in my mailbox, what next? Where is the solution?” Said V. Usonis.

In general, according to the doctor, what is written is a lie, there are many inaccuracies.

“One of the goals of that liar is to spread the rumor and then let someone attack,” he explains. From this, these lying authors gain visibility. (…) Confusion is sown where there can be no solution ”, said V. Usonis.

It reminded me of the price of “natural immunity.”

The doctor does not understand what kind of natural immunity a member of the Seimas is talking about.

“There is no such natural immunity, there is an innate and acquired immunity. Naturally acquired immunity, yes, please, 1918-1920. -” Spain “, 40 million. People died and naturally acquired immunity. Are we talking about that? Are we campaigning on their behalf? ”Asked V. Usonis rhetorically.

According to the doctor, that was not the case before the vaccine was available.

“It just came to our knowledge then. On all occasions I explain that there are three links: the origin of the infection, the routes of transmission, and a receptive society. All three links are necessary for the infection to spread. But it is much more important. for us to have three directions of impact.

Obviously, the origin of the infection was not controlled. The virus has spread throughout the world. The propagation routes were the main direction until December of last year, as there were no others, and then we had quarantine, all closures, the economic, social, cultural consequences, to put at least one small stop on this route: masks, disinfectants , distance learning: it was about or. Until we had the vaccine, that was the only way, “Usonis said.

The professor urged us not to forget the situation in which we had four thousand cases a day in December, many deaths.

“It is a natural way to obtain public immunity, through disease, death, throughout the cataclysm of public life. Now we have started vaccination, and in those countries where vaccination volumes are high, the results are absolutely obvious, ”said V. Usonis.

Fertility claims are illogical

According to the doctor, claims about the vaccine’s alleged harm to fertility are also illogical.

“In clinical trials, forty-several thousand people were vaccinated with Pfizer prior to enrollment, including women who were not yet aware of their pregnancy. They were vaccinated before conception or in the first weeks of pregnancy, that is, when laying the foundations for the formation of the placenta. None of those women had red signs that something was wrong, “said V. Usonis.

According to the professor, now everyone talks about vaccinating the pregnant woman, thinking about the health of both the pregnant woman and the future newborn.

“Serious publications in obstetrics and gynecology are publishing more and more data that, when comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated women, the course of pregnancy, fetal development and the birth of the newborn, as well as the evaluation of the newborn after delivery, does not they differ completely, “Usonis said.

The professor finds it strange that such conspiracy theories are spread.

“The president is hiding something, he doesn’t know it. The prime minister knows nothing. The only liver knows. Let’s go further: everyone in Europe is also well paid. All are bought in pharmaceuticals. Only the liver knows that everyone is bought. You see, the extremes don’t go together, “said V. Usonis.

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