The little ones are preparing their guts, the opposition considers appealing to the Constitutional Court


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Entrepreneurs have not yet received permission from the government to go to court, says Dalia Matukien, president of the Council of Small and Medium Enterprises. At the same time, remember to hope that the government will make decisions that do not require a court.

Added a second section.

All business is ready, buy everything. At least for that amount, who bought all the things to protect and do, that’s at least that amount that will be delivered, BNS told Matukien on Thursday.

According to her, the court will jointly file Archbishop D. According to Matukiens, currently about 70,000 companies and almost the same number are not engaged in individual activities or have business certificates, but he did not mention how many people could go to court.

There are 9,000 collected now, and I can’t say how many there will be tomorrow Saturday, says Matukien.

It depends on how many entrepreneurs, because we as a city council cannot apply, but on how many entrepreneurs have made their claims. They need them now for lawyers, the consumer rights association has already filed complaints with the Ministry of Economy and Innovation and the government, and trials are being prepared, he said.

However, he said he was confident that the government would change its position in the near future and that litigation in court could be avoided.

I still hope that it is not necessary (to apply to the BNS court) today there is already a court to create a business file, a lot will depend on it and if the government thinks it is worth working for small businesses, added.

On Thursday, the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court intends to announce a decision on the complaint from the Auktaitija Implantology Clinic, which seeks compensation for the ban on providing services during quarantine.

The dental and beauty services company, which filed a complaint with the court, said that the government was reduced in mid-March, setting up businesses and claiming 70,000. eur to loss of profits and accrued income.

The government decided on Wednesday not to waive the quarantine requirement for the time being, although it was previously announced that the Cabinet of Ministers should decide on the opening of non-food stores and hair salons.

A government commission of experts did not change the quarantine regime on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Ingrida apologized yesterday that the government had made a mistake in trying to quarantine, and no such decision had been made.

According to the prime minister, the government should decide on the main quarantine release scheme next Monday.

The opposition plans to appeal to the Constitutional Court

The opposition is considering appealing to the Constitutional Court to decide whether the quarantine restrictions imposed by the government do not discriminate against small businesses.

The Labor Party faction announced Thursday that it was choosing an extraordinary session to convene an extraordinary session of the Seimas on this issue next week. The states and Social Democrats have considered the initiative, but have not yet made a decision.

The government did not raise the issue of small businesses and quarantine conditions at its meeting on Wednesday, which will result in continued discrimination against small businesses that go bankrupt or start working illegally, Labor spokesman Viktor Fyodorov said.

The state faction will consider the issue on Thursday afternoon, says BNS, the faction elder Aurin Norkien.

We will have a group meeting starting at 1 pm and that is exactly what we will discuss and decide, he said.

Social Democrat Gintautas Paluckas told BNS that the faction would discuss whether to take the initiative, but expressed doubts that the litigation in the Constitutional Court could take a long time.

The group will discuss whether to register, call and consult. If the group agrees to vote, someone will vote. I just doubt that going to the Constitutional Court is worth going to because the proceedings are insane in their length, he said.

Rita Tamaunien, the eldest of the group’s faction of dead Seimas members, said she would support the initiative for an extraordinary session, but said she would have a difference of opinion in this group.

The Speaker of Parliament, Victoria Milyt-Nielsen, says that the rulers do not intend to hold an extraordinary session, so all these issues are in the hands of the opposition. An extraordinary session will take place if enough members of the Seimas gather.

To call an extraordinary session, 47 days must be collected.

I need to collect red. If you collect red, it will be. The Seimas members who sign, silence the agenda. I don’t know what agenda the opposition factions are planning. It would be regrettable if an issue related to the appeal to the Constitutional Court is still being considered, says BNS.

In the Valdanij coalition, most of our work is planned for the spring session, we do not see an important topic to choose from in February, said V. milyt Nielsen.

According to the procedure established by the Government, businesses whose main activity is the sale of food products will be able to continue operating from mid-December, but they will not be prohibited from selling non-food products either.

Only food trade is allowed on the market, separate non-food stores are open.

Government officials say they agree this creates uneven conditions, but say the restrictions are necessary to control the coronavirus pandemic. The current rulers blame the previous government for quarantining it too diabolically, leading to high morbidity and mortality.

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