The Lithuanian has embarked on an experiment that will surprise those who have seen it all: they will not buy anything for a year


The man “Delfi” agreed to say how he manages to carry out his experiment, what rules he has established and what benefits the idea has brought him.

He also tells me that it will be more difficult to implement the idea, but today he is glad that it has brought a lot of peace, simplicity and clarity to life.

Caused by the divorce that took place

According to T. Petraitis, in general, an idea like “a year without buying anything” is not something very new in the world, and the principle itself is more reminiscent of a “car-free day”, only that everything should be multiplied by 365 days .

As he said, the life change was fueled by his divorce from his wife in 2018.

“He was in a crisis and a financial crisis.

Somehow I got really upset and thought that I at least needed to earn money in life and immersed myself in this area, read a lot, experimented.

2018 in September, I did “month without purchase” and then I saved a lot. It was a large and significant amount for me, so I hooked up on savings, so in 2018, 2019, 2020. I spent my life in moderation, achieved good results, and by 2021, I felt that additional challenges were lacking, ”he said.

The man said he also wanted to see if buying new items really brings a feeling of happiness.

And then I thought that if I didn’t buy new things for a year, I should be less happy, he thought.

Allow yourself only what is necessary

For the experiment, T. Petraitis devised rules that he would follow and follow.
