The Lithuanian hand for Latvians: how much would it cost and where would the World Hockey Championship take place? | sports


In 2017 in May, it was announced in four years that the 16 strongest hockey teams in the world would meet in Minsk and Riga.

But just six months before the tournament, its foundations began to crumble when thousands of people flocked to the streets of Minsk and other Belarusian cities to protest against the brutal and illegal actions of the Alexander Lukashenko regime.

After experiencing international pressure to move the Minsk tournament, the IIHF still hesitated for some time, but broke down when one of the biggest hockey sponsors, Škoda, Nivea, Liqui Moly, said that they would not support the championship if it took place in Belarus.

Photo by Scanpix / Alexander Lukashenko

Photo by Scanpix / Alexander Lukashenko

Finally, a decision was made on Monday to deprive Belarus of the right to host the championship, creating a dilemma not only for the IIHF organization, but also for Latvia, which remains the sole organizer of the world championship.

Once upon a time, in 2006, the Latvians were already preparing for the championships of the planet, and that opportunity still exists today.

However, it is inconvenient and expensive. As there is only one arena that meets World Championship standards in Latvia, and such a tournament requires at least two, the Latvians would have to rebuild a temporary hockey sanctuary at Skonto manege, which would cost a lot of money. Not to mention that during the championship, which runs from May 21 to June 6, the air temperature may be too high to maintain the required ice quality.

Photo by Scanpix / Latvian hockey players

Photo by Scanpix / Latvian hockey players

IIHF President René Faselis has already mentioned that Bratislava or a Danish city can be used to help Riga, but Lithuanians are also willing to lend a hand to their neighbors.

Speaking with Latvian Education and Science Minister Ilga Šuplinska on Wednesday, Education, Science and Sports Minister (ŠMSM) Jurgita Šiugždinienė expressed Lithuania’s determination to help organize part of the World Hockey Championship in our country.

“There has been no hockey competition of this level in Lithuania, and now we have a historic opportunity. It is necessary to evaluate this possibility and offer specific help to Latvia. Lithuania has already shown that it is capable of organizing high-level sports competitions. Yes, this it would be one of the greatest challenges in the history of sport in our country, ”Minister J.Šiugždinienė said in an official statement.

Arno Strumilos / 15min nuotr./Jurgita Šiugždinienė

Arno Strumilos / 15min nuotr./Jurgita Šiugždinienė

Annotated 15 minutes The essence of the Lithuanian proposal from Linas Obcarskas, deputy minister of the Ministry of Education and Science, was to help residents have an additional option by considering various options.

Although the final decision will be made by the IIHF, the government has not approached, at least yet, the International Hockey Federation and is awaiting a response from the Latvians on whether they need help from Lithuania.

According to the deputy minister, the proposal presented to Latvia concerns the acquisition of one of the championship groups.

Most likely it will be Group A, whose competition was scheduled in Minsk. The teams from Russia, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Slovakia, Denmark, Belarus and Great Britain should play in this group.

“We would try to hold subgroup competitions in Lithuania, because we have the right infrastructure, the right experience, we are not far away geographically,” said L. Obcarskas.

During the last decade, Lithuania has already organized the world hockey championships. True, they had a lower rank, in 2014. In Vilnius and in 2018. The IB world group championships were held in Kaunas, that is, the competitions of the third division in the ranking, in which the Lithuanian national team.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Rungtynių akimirka

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Rungtynių akimirka

Vaidas Budrauskas, general secretary of the Lietuva Hockey Association, has no doubt that the costs of organizing an elite world championship, even for just one of his groups, would be at least several times higher.

15 minutes According to the head of the hockey association, the reasons for this are the longer duration of the championship, the greater number of matches and, finally, the greater demands on both hotels and service.

By making an offer to the Latvians, the Lithuanians have already managed to assess the potential costs of the championship. Although the exact amounts can only be calculated if the right to organize the championship is entrusted to Lithuania, L. Obcarskas believes that the costs should reach up to one million euros.

“We should accommodate the participants, rent the arena. I’m not satisfied with exactly what the international requirements are, but you probably need catering for at least four-star hotels. I think it could cost up to a million euros. But here are the preliminary figures “They still have to adjust. It is an initiative where not everything depends on us. We only have the will to help”, emphasized the vice minister.

I think it could cost up to a million euros.

When addressing Latvians, Lithuanians first thought not of spending, but of helping neighbors in an awkward situation.

“At the moment, this is more of an aid to a neighbor who would probably find it too difficult to organize a tournament for one. There are eight teams in a group, if it were necessary to organize another, eight more would contribute, so Lithuania has expressed its proposal and are looking for opportunities for a group competition to be held here. 15 minutes said Minister Advisor J.Šiugždinienė Dainoras Lukas.

But when calculating the possible costs, Lithuanians also see opportunities.

Although the Lithuanian national team will not play in the world championships and it is not yet clear whether spectators will be able to choose the stadiums in late spring, L. Obcarskas sees a potential benefit for Lithuanian business and a golden opportunity for the country’s sports. .

“Clearly, if there were spectators, the economic benefits to the state would be obvious. Hockey is especially popular in the world, it would fill the hotel, recovery and service sectors. On the other hand, the details are not yet known. Part of the funds can be obtained through advertising directed at local organizers. This would cover or partially offset our contribution. It would be the popularization of Lithuania’s name on the sports map, as well as the neighborhood attendance, on the other hand, and a very serious reminder about a very beautiful sport of hockey, which is undeservedly underrated in Lithuania, even though we have another athlete. first level, ”said the vice minister.

This would be a very serious reminder of a very beautiful sport of hockey, which is undeservedly underrated in Lithuania.

V.Budrauskas also supported him, who has already seen the hockey boom after 2014 and 2018. World Championships held in Lithuania.

“Hockey would be very useful, because it is a huge advertisement. This is the attention of both the Government of Lithuania and the entire world. In any case, hockey would win ”, assured the head of Hockey Lietuva.

15 minutes The representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science interviewed stressed that the Latvians, who had received an offer to help the Lithuanians, were happy, but it is too early to speculate whether the neighbors will hold on to the friendly hand of the Lithuanians.

“The last reaction of the Latvians was this: make a proposal and we will consider it. They will try to complement each option. Everything is fresh enough for them too, so they have to decide and coordinate everything. Still, the news about Minsk has only two days old, “Obcarsk said.

According to him, the place of the world championship is already planned and it is possible. The managers of the Vilnius Avia Solutions Group stadium were discussed in December, although ministry representatives have not yet rejected the option of the Žalgiris stadium in Kaunas.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Lithuania - Poland

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Lithuania – Poland

“Both arenas are the right size, the right level, and they have ice equipment,” Obcarsk said.

Vilnius Deputy Mayor Valdas Benkunskas also mentioned the capital’s desire to host the world championship on Facebook.

“We have been working for some time to reactivate winter sports in the capital, so we would be very happy to accept the challenges of organizing the championship in the capital. Although there is not much time left before the championship and therefore the possibility of transferring priorities to countries with a lot of organizational experience is contemplated, Vilnius is no less a logical option, because it is far from Riga, where part of the competition will take place ”, wrote one of the capital executives.

Whether the world’s elite hockey teams will meet in Lithuania this year will become clear very soon. The IIHF promises to decide by the end of January how to change Minsk in the organization of priorities.
