The Lithuanian Banking Association has a new president


Economist dr. Eivilė Čipkutė. Company photo

The economist dr. Eivilė Čipkutė has been elected President of the Lithuanian Banking Association (LBA). She will take over this year. meter. December 7th

The new president of the association was elected in place of Mantas Zalator, who resigned from this position in July this year.

In early June this year, Zalatorius was briefly arrested after police suspected the effects of trafficking. In the same investigation, the then president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation, Valdas Sutkus, was briefly detained and resigned in June.

Zalatorius has been the director of the LBA since 2017.

Vice President Aidas Budrys has been Acting President of the LBA since June.

Five year term

For the past two years, E. Čipkutė has served as Senior Policy Advisor at the Representation of the European Investment Fund in Brussels, Belgium. Previously, she worked for several years at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, DC, where she served as a senior advisor and World Bank Office advisor to the Nordic-Baltic Executive Director.

Before continuing her career in international institutions, E. Čipkutė worked for eight years at the Ministry of Finance, where she directed the Department of Financial Market Policy, was Chairman of the Board of the State Insurance Company Būsto Loanų Draudimas, a member of the Board of Directors of INVEGA in the Banking and Securities Committees of the European Commission and carried out negotiations on the establishment of the Banking Union during the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the report read.

E. Čipkutė has a master’s degree in international business, obtained from Georgetown University in the USA, and has defended his doctoral thesis in the field of social sciences and economics at Vilnius University, where he also taught a course in international economy for several years.

The president of the LBA is appointed by the board of the association for five years, the number of terms is not limited.

LBA is a non-profit organization representing the Lithuanian banking and financial sector nationally and internationally. Currently, the association brings together 20 banks and companies from the financial sector operating in Lithuania.

The LBA, which has been operating since 1991, is a member of the European Banking Federation, the Leaseurope Federation of European Associations of Leasing Companies and the European Money Market Institute.

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