The list of countries affected by Covid-19 has been updated according to the traffic light principle.


SAM notes that in some countries the “color” of a piece may vary. The Italian region of Calabria in the red zone is included in the yellow zone, and Portugal is also in the red zone, with the exception of Azores and Madeira, which are in the yellow zone. And the Western Macedonia region in Greece in the yellow zone is in the red zone. Although Germany and Sweden belong to the yellow zone, the capitals of these countries, Berlin and Stockholm, also fall into the red zone.

Belgium, Switzerland, as well as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are in the gray zone.

HERE you can see a virtual map of the affected countries, drawn up according to the traffic light principle.

Those who travel to Lithuania from the red and gray areas use various means used so far: isolation or being asked for a test for coronavirus (COVID-19).

The exposed persons are travelers who have returned to or arrived from countries included in the list of countries affected by coronavirus infection, or have traveled through the affected countries during the 14 days prior to the return or arrival in Lithuania, except for air travel when not They leave the transit area of ​​the airport.

If you have traveled on scheduled, special and charter flights of all modes of transport organized and operated by carriers, it is necessary to register on the website of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) ( / form) and before entering the vehicle you must send the carrier a confirmation of the completed electronic form (QR code) and, in other cases, no later than 12 hours after the time of return or arrival in Lithuania, you must register at the NVSC (

We remind you that in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Europe, the Government decided the criteria to be applied at the national level at its meeting on Wednesday. According to them, all the countries of the European Union are divided into four groups according to the traffic light principle, that is, according to the colors: green, yellow, red and gray. The main criteria for evaluating countries are the 14-day morbidity rate of 100,000. population, percentage of positive tests among tests carried out in 7 days, test volumes (number of tests per 100,000 inhabitants) in 7 days.

The green group includes countries with a morbidity of less than 25 cases per 100,000. population in the last 14 days and the proportion of positive tests is less than 4%. This means that those coming from the green zone will not be subject to restrictions.

The yellow group is made up of countries with a morbidity rate of less than 50 cases per 100,000. population in the last 14 days, and the proportion of positive tests is 4% or more. or morbidity in the last 14 days ranges between 25 and 150 cases per 100,000. the proportion of the population and positive research is less than 4%.

The red group includes countries with an incidence of 50 or more cases per 100,000. population in the last 14 days and the proportion of positive tests 4 and more percent. or the morbidity is greater than 150 cases per 100 thousand. population in the last 14 days.

The gray group includes countries whose data are insufficient to assess the above criteria or where test volumes are 300 or fewer studies per 100,000. population within 7 days.

The SAM notes that the list of countries affected by coronavirus infection includes the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Swiss Confederation if they are classified as red or gray on published maps by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), and as well as third countries (non-EEA countries) that are not included in the ECDC maps and therefore included in the gray area, except in the case of countries included in third countries whose residents have temporary restrictions to cross external borders for unnecessary travel to the EU. , list.

The list of affected countries is published every Friday and goes into effect on Monday.
