The Liberal Suggests Reviewing Quarantine Restrictions: Check Out The Weather


The passport of opportunities was debated on Tuesday in the program “Noticias del día” by radijo Žinių.

“I would like to be happy that the Minister of Economy and Innovation is very active and offers a wide range of initiatives. In this case, however, our views differed slightly.

The European Union already plans to launch a green certificate in June, with which it will be possible to travel, have one or another form of entertainment and services throughout the EU. Is it worth investing in a Lithuanian passport of opportunity, with which it is not clear if there will be an opportunity to travel to other countries? It is not clear if it will be applied in other countries, as there are no concrete agreements yet.

Perhaps we should focus on vaccination, increase its reach, and reconsider trade restrictions. We see outdoor cafes and we also see the weather today. People returned from downtime but cannot work. Couldn’t the same company provide secure services internally? Because if there’s another week like this, everyone will probably have to spend some time in downtime and close again, “said A. Bagdon, a member of the Liberal Movement faction.

In his opinion, as long as it is not possible to vaccinate all age groups, this would be a form of discrimination for those age groups that cannot be vaccinated.

“Another very important highlight is testing,” Bagdon said.

Believe that colleagues can stop the idea itself

Vytautas Mitalas, a member of the Freedom Faction and vice president of the Seimas, acknowledged that openly expressed disapproval can stop this idea.

“If there is no support in the coalition, and it is clearly said that such a thing is not necessary, then it may not happen,” said V. Mitalas.

At the same time, he noted that the idea of ​​passport options has been the subject of debate for a long time. Politicians have viewed the current debate as a liberal desire to get involved in managing the pandemic.

“I appreciate that there is a certain desire to participate in the discussion on the management of the pandemic. We see conservatives actively participating in the person of the Prime Minister or the Minister of Health. We see A. Armonaitė talking a lot about business conditions, and now she has become the driving force behind this passport of opportunities. Perhaps colleagues from the Liberal Movement want to get involved in the discussion about the management of the pandemic, “said V. Mitalas.

At the same time, he noted that the ideas of a European and national passport of opportunity are different.

“When we talk about the future solution of the EU, we are talking about … the free movement of people between states, which must be restored as soon as possible, given the limitations of the pandemic. When we talk about internal rules, we are talking about how we should operate in an uncertain environment now and in the future when there is still a pandemic. (…) Therefore, we must think not only about those economic activities that we can open even more, but also in the cultural and sports sectors ”, said V Mitalas.

I don’t think there is absolute equality anywhere

Conservative Antanas Matulas also commented positively on the idea of ​​a passport to opportunities.

“I believe that the state should look for various opportunities so that Lithuania, its people and its companies can return to normal life as soon as possible. The search for other possibilities shows that we have understood the task that we must learn to live with this infection without destroying the business, the economy, people’s mental health, ”said A. Matulas.

He did not emphasize criticism from politicians from the Liberal Movement and Seimas Spokesperson Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen.

“It just came to our attention then. As far as I know, we are talking between coalition partners. This is just an opinion, an attempt to show that this is a big dispute that can divide the coalition, it definitely won’t be.” A. Matulas is convinced.

He does not consider the idea of ​​this passport discriminatory.

“If that passport of opportunity was for a single group of people, I would be against it. But that passport of opportunity is for all people. If it works effectively, if it allows companies to recover faster, it will be able to encourage other people to decide and get vaccinated faster, ”said A. Matulas.

At the same time, politicians have philosophized that absolute equality does not exist in the world.

“Where is absolute equality in the world? Can a doctor who works in a hospital diagnose an illness more quickly than any other resident? Can a person who works in a store see more quickly what a good discounted product is? Of course, yes, there is no such absolute equality, ”said A. Matulas.

According to him, everyone’s common goal should be economic recovery and restoration of communication opportunities.

“As long as that passport of opportunity exists, one or two months, its price is very small, but it is necessary to take advantage of that opportunity,” said A. Matulas.

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