The Lazdijai resident, who was treated for thieves, did not survive in the Kaunas clinics.


Immediately after the crime, a 42-year-old man who suffered severe burns at the Lazdijai Hospital and then at the Kaunas Clinics died last Saturday morning at around 7:30 in the morning.

However, the information reached the offenders from the Alytus County Sheriff’s Office investigating the crime against the victim and her family only at noon on Monday.

Delfi was confirmed by Kristina Janulevičienė, representative of Alytus AVPK. According to a police spokesman, the accusations from the pre-trial investigation are likely to be reclassified as murder.

“This will be decided by the Kaunas regional prosecutor supervising the case,” Alytus AVPK representative told Delfi K. Janulevičienė.

Such a cruel, brutal and unprecedented crime was committed on October 12 this year during the day.

Three masked men broke into G. Vilčinskas’ house in the center of Lazdijai city, Kauno street, before lunch, tied up the house owner’s friend and her thirteen-year-old daughter, threatening him with an object resembling a gun and kidnapping two gold rings and 200 euros.

When G. Vilčinskas returned home, the thieves locked the man in the bathroom, tortured him, according to sources, and demanded that he tell them where he was hiding the money. They then washed him with flammable liquid and threatened to set him on fire.
It is said that thieves could be attracted not only by smugglers, but also by the quiet talk of the city about the hiding place supposedly installed in the bathroom of a residential house, where G. Vilčinskas, who was engaged in smuggling cigarettes from Belarus to Lithuania, he could save a large amount of cash.

According to Delfi sources, the fire is believed to have been caused by the careless handling of a lighter by the thieves, who threatened to shoot G. Vilčinskas. A flammable air mixture from a man soaked in flammable liquid exploded when a lighter was lit in a small bathroom.

Following this execution, the new arrivals were forced to flee the room and crashed, leaving the car they had brought to the house in the courtyard.

G. Vilčinskas, who had become a living torch from the house, also ran into the courtyard, where he fell on the grass, trying to put out the burning clothes.

Neighbors who saw the image called the police and ambulance services.

Due to severe burns, the man was rushed to the Lazdijai Hospital resuscitation department and later transferred to the Kaunas Clinics resuscitation department.

The police know the victim as a reseller and carrier of smuggled cigarettes.

According to the available data, the attack is related to alleged debts or could have been a revenge because, according to the sources, G. Vilčinskas, who was involved in the smuggling business, had agreed to cooperate with the police officers for some time.

Over the past six months, customs and police officers have even stopped several trucks with smuggled cigarettes belonging to smuggling groups operating in the Druskininkai area.

According to some sources, G. Vilčinskas may have passed information on these crimes to officials.

Lazdijiškis Giedrius Vilčinskas, also known as Upelinis, became famous in 2015, when he was not stopped by the Criminal Intelligence of the Lazdijai Team of the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) while driving a Peugeout car that belonged to him.

Edgar Balčius, an 18-year-old resident of Alytus who was sitting in a Peugeout and later killed in a hospital, was injured by a weapon released by a border guard while chasing smugglers. G. Vilčinskas was tried for leaving a person in life-threatening conditions, but he avoided actual incarceration.

However, even after these events, the man said he did not abandon the smuggling “business”.
Last week, the Alytus Police Commissariat reported four detainees suspected of crimes against G. Vilčinskas and his relatives.

All the detainees are residents of Vilnius County. The first 28-year-old man arrested is suspected of organizing the crime. The other three, aged between 20 and 26, are suspected of being the perpetrators. The court allowed all the suspects to be arrested.

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