The latest cases of coronavirus in Alytus are mainly among educators and Birutians


October 28, 2020

Of 776 new coronavirus cases in Alytus County, 9 have been recorded, reports the National Center for Public Health (NVSC).

According to the NVSC, the cases in Alytus County are related to outbreaks in Grand Duchess Birutė’s Ulons Battalion and Varėna Žilvičius kindergarten.

The new cases involving the directors of the Alytus “Obelėlė” kindergarten and the primary school teacher “Sakalėlis” are not mentioned in the official NVSC report, but the directors of the mentioned institutions, as well as other educational organizations of the capital Dzūkija, as well as representatives of the department of education and sports of the city of Alytus After a week of traveling together on an educational trip in southwestern Lithuania, they are in self-isolation.

Public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance, and more.


As Janina Dvilinskienė, Head of the Infectious Disease Management Division of the Alytus Department of the NVSC under the Ministry of Health, reported to the news portal, a case of COVID-19 was identified in an educational institution in the city of Alytus (primary education), employees were identified and people were isolated.

Two more cases of COVID-19 were detected in employees of two other pre-school education institutions in the city, and people who had close contact were isolated.

The implementation of measures for the prevention of coronavirus infection in institutions has been strengthened.


According to unconfirmed data, in addition to the aforementioned “Obelėlė” and “Sakalėlis”, COVID-19 has also been diagnosed for the director of the kindergarten “Saulutė”, who also made a joint trip of urban educators in southwestern Lithuania , that is, to the Zypliai mansion in the Šakiai district.

More than 100 cases of coronavirus have been detected in the Lithuanian Armed Forces, more than 600 people self-isolate, although the highest number of COVID-19 patients among the military was found in the Klaipėda, Kaunas, Šiauliai regions and Vilnius instead of Alytus.

To prevent the virus from spreading, recruits will not be allowed to leave the house for a full 14 days.


As our portal was informed by the Alytus City Council, there are currently 24 employees of educational institutions and a specialist from the Department of Education and Sports of the city municipality in self-isolation, and another 20 educators from the capital Dzūkija are forced to take COVID-19 tests.

According to, the Alytus Department of the NVSC under the Ministry of Health, COVID-19 cases have been identified in the Birutė Battalion for two residents of Alytus, and there are 26 people in self-isolation.
