The latest assessment of the situation is that half of Lithuania is in the exponential growth phase


Yesterday more than a thousand new cases were registered in the country; In November, the number of cases increased from 1,000 to 2,000 cases per day in three weeks.

Meanwhile, around 375,000 doses of vaccine should reach Lithuania, and we currently have 295,000 unvaccinated people in the age group 65 and over, so April will be a critical month to vaccinate this age group.

Experience in the health sector shows that the vaccinated sector is becoming largely resistant to case growth: led by the number of new cases in mid-January, the health sector now detects four times fewer cases than manufacturing or marketing sectors.

The number of COVID-19 related deaths in Lithuania continues to decline and currently stands at an average of 16 deaths per day.

Summary of key indicators

one) We have seen an increase in cases every day since last Friday., compared to the same day of the previous week (except Monday, whose figures are also high compared to holidays). If this growth rate is maintained, we will reach 2,000 cases a day by the end of April.

two) Last week was a record for the total number of studies conducted. PCR volumes have increased only marginally, but the use of rapid antigen tests has increased considerably, accounting for a third of all diagnostic tests performed. There is a growing number of people being tested for symptoms, as well as the proportion of positive tests among them, which is now 41%.

3) The acceleration of the pandemic in Lithuania has been positive since March 12, that is, we have not had a single day for almost a month to reduce the number of cases to 7 days., only the acceleration rate changed. According to yesterday’s data, more than half of the municipalities are increasing either the number of cases or the percentage of positive tests.

The latest assessment of the situation is that half of Lithuania is in the exponential growth phase


4) The number of cases from large Lithuanian municipalities is growing faster in the cities and districts of Vilnius and Kaunas.

5) The situation in hospitals is deteriorating rapidly in counties with increasing numbers of cases. In the COVID-19 cluster in Vilnius and Alytus, there are now more hospitalized patients than beds for COVID-19 treatment a week ago. In the Kaunas and Marijampolė group, the number of patients is also growing rapidly, with bed occupancy exceeding 80%. In other regions, the situation is still stable.

6) Approximately 16 people with a positive COVID-19 test die every day in Lithuania. The total number of deaths in the country has returned to the level of recent years.

7) 262,000 people at risk (aged 65 and over) have already been vaccinated in Lithuania. Most of them were vaccinated at the end of February and during the first two weeks of March. Around 375,000 vaccines are planned to be delivered to Lithuania in April, enough to vaccinate the remaining 295,000 people in the age group 65 and over.

8) Vaccination rates for people over 65 vary between municipalities, but only a few have exceeded the 50% threshold. Of all 65+ positive cases diagnosed with COVID-19 in Lithuania, 18% died. patients and almost 90% of them died in hospital, so with the onset of the third wave of the pandemic, immunizing these individuals is the most important means of reducing the risk of death.

9) The positive systemic effect of vaccination can already be seen in the health sector, where more than 80% of people are immune to COVID-19. With the rise of new COVID-19 cases in Lithuania, the healthcare sector, which has long been the leader in terms of number of cases, now allows the manufacturing and trade sectors to “fight” first, with almost four times more cases. In the health sector, the increase in cases is minimal.

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