The Labor Inspectorate will verify that the downtime reported by employers is not false Business


According to Saturday’s inspection, a total of more than 25,000 downtime reports have been received since the quarantine began, and there are currently more than 1,000 companies with existing downtime.

“The peak of companies declaring downtime was reached in mid-April, when about 18,000 employers reported to the Labor Inspectorate. Then we see a downward trend in downtime. However, now the The number of companies with valid downtime has increased again, “says Jonas Gricius, the head of VDI.

“This fact raises concerns about whether downtime has actually been declared for objective reasons or whether it is not an abuse of state support under the guise of false downtime.” We also want to find out the reasons for downtime, as there are fewer and fewer restrictions on operations, ”he said.

After the end of quarantine, the state of emergency in the country has not been lifted, so companies may not be able to provide downtime for their work. These companies receive state subsidies to cover part of their employees’ wages.

During unscheduled inspections, labor inspectors will check for objective circumstances that make it impossible for employees to be hired when an employer declares downtime, if the employer maintains adequate records of employee work time, if employees do not they work during idle time and if partial idle time is reported. in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code.

During the quarantine, the SLI received complaints and reports of downtime that employees were still working, and some of the complaints were confirmed. Labor inspectors have produced 11 reports of administrative misconduct, and several investigations are still ongoing.
