The Kurdish words of the masseur, spoken by a Lithuanian before leaving Turkey, will be remembered for a long time


Šiauliai stayed at Vilnius airport instead of Turkey: “So you know how many there are”

Lithuania recommended what to do first when in a Turkish resort

Lithuania told what the curfew was like in Turkey and what it did not apply to tourists

“The spa at the hotel in Side, Turkey, first attracted the words ‘Carpe diem’ (Latin aphorism: ‘enjoy the day, literally start (or harvest) the day’), which is probably translated by Quintus Horatius Flaccus , laughed at the first and best Roman poet who uttered it.

I remembered an excellent Latin teacher I met once during my studies at Šiauliai, dr. Ina Klijūnaitė, read excerpts from Horacio’s “Odžiai (Carmina)”. Horace can be considered the world’s first autobiographer. His texts are highly praised for their admiring verses that cover many things (love, friendship, wine, religion, morality, patriotism, including the uncertainty of life, the development of peace and joy, adherence to moderation) and words of boldness and grace.

For example, his expression of the “golden mean” as a mean golden ideal could have already existed 600 years before Aristotle: in the tale of Dedala and Icarus, later adopted by Socrates, Plato, mentioned in almost all Eastern philosophy, Christianity, Buddhism, Jewish culture and religion, Hinduism, in Islamic texts. In Horacio’s phrase, an even longer part of carpe diem, quam minim credula postero, is often translated as “Seize the day, have very little confidence in tomorrow (future).” Ode says the future is unpredictable, so we better do our best today to improve the future.

SPA (Latin sanitas per aqua; sanus per aqua; solus per aqua – “health through water”) The moonlight called “moonlight” would probably never have fascinated my mother. The wonderful climate of Turkey, the +26 Great Sunset Sea (as the Phoenicians called the Mediterranean), the flowering plants, the fruit, the fantastic sunsets (as in National Geography documentaries about Florida or Jamaica, Maldives or Bali … or the sun over Lake Michigan …).

We would not. If not those people who worked on Moonlight. The first met a very sensitive tourist mood, friendly with everyone Ali (Azerbaijani, who speaks English, Russian, Turkish, a little – German and even… Latvian). Ali introduced the masseurs Sevda (she and one of Turkey’s most professional cosmetologists from Azerbaijan), Suleiman (introduced herself as Kurdish), spa assistants, sauna and massage complex staff Alisa (Saint Petersburg), Juni (Indonesia) .

Other: we met manager Izimir on the beach (my son’s age, about 25, as a young man with the appearance of nature, elegantly dressed, from a good Turkish family, he diligently but diligently followed the instructions of the manager of the SPA to attract the audience to the sauna, brings the good news that massage and recreation to the seashore, the most compatible and durable tandem)

Emilya, Anne (Turk’s “mother”): This is what the staff at Turks and Spa called my 75-year-old mother. For a long time you will remember one of the most recognized masseurs among clients (daily – 7 to 13 massages), the words of Kurds Suleiman, to tell us with my mother before leaving. “Protect her. I love her. There is nothing more important in the world than this. Your love for Mom.” And bowing to his mother, holding her hand for a long time and with little visible respect. Looking my mother in the eye, she asked me to protect myself as well.

“She is still a child. But a strong boy. People like you are always welcome with us. Contact us any time you need it. My family home is your home.” (Then he offered to sit quietly and enjoy the tea (like everyone who came here, the tourists’ favorite was Turkish (black) or fruity (pomegranates and dried apples). I don’t know how God guides a person, but I I felt with all my heart that it is real and our trip was not in vain, it healed and pampered us, taught and restored our strength.

What did Ali say when he introduced himself to the spa benefits and services that belonged to us with the ticket we bought? “If you don’t trust me, just don’t talk to me. You can visit us, we’ll help you in everything. If you consider me human, we’ll be friends. Either you trust or you don’t communicate.” Both. Without pathos or pride. After the Turkish hamam, the massages offered by Ali appeared on the mother’s agenda. Twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Sevda and Suleiman (as it had to be proven by the mother’s condition before and after) are specialists of the highest quality, Ali said. It will restore my health for at least one year. Vein problems in the spine, elbows, hands, neck and legs will be significantly reduced. “Run like new,” he laughed. Ali did not immediately accept the interview. “It just came to our attention then. I work and that’s it. “Then, after talking, a few days later, he said” okay. “

The day we spoke at the spa reception, as if on purpose, people were walking with ropes (in Lithuanian it would be more suitable for “ropes”). Two Lithuanians from Vilnius and Elektrėnai, as well as Ukrainian, Russian and German families, signed up for the massage course. What suited me personally and favored me: here there was no queen of curved mirrors. None of the front desk staff played in a professional or special way. He communicated naturally, sincerely, listened to tourists, made friends with children.

If customers asked, they were advised where to find fresher fruit or better gifts, where to travel, or what to avoid in today’s quarantined Turkey. They also lingered on themselves if common things were connected. Ali sighed after regular conversation with new tourists.

“It just came to our attention then. Everyone needs attention. And I can’t help it. I want everyone to help me the best I can. I have been working as a hotel receptionist and consultant for about 19 years. Male 44 – eri. I have four children. , twice married. I work 180 days a year in different hotels. No holidays. After that, I visit my mother, father, sister and children in Azerbaijan. I have been to Israel 22 times, I lived in Latvia, Russia.

I myself have a specialty in massage and a medical education. But I work as a consultant. Because I love him so much. I really like to communicate, to help. I come here from 7 am, I leave at the latest. No one can replace me because I need a lot of communication in Russian, Turkish, English. I want people to know about their body problems, I am really happy to help. First we offer a trial (experimental) massage for everyone. Specialists (Sevda, Suleiman) advise what to do, what massages or their complex would be necessary for a particular person based on his condition.

I translate to Turkish, from Turkish, to / from English, Russian. First of all, at the introduction of the massage, a hammam is necessary: ​​open the pores, rub the skin, warm the muscles. For women who want a beautiful and even tan, the Turkish bath is especially important. I never recommend anything if you don’t understand me. The most popular are the massages – mixes (this is a complex of punctual, therapeutic, oriental massage, massage with hot stones of volcanic origin and seaweed wrap).

“How did you start doing that job and why did you stay in Turkey? – I ask Ali, a 44-year-old Azerbaijani with several years of experience as a spa consultant-receptionist. “My first generation in Turkey was this: I came here to rest. I went into the hotel spa. I met Russian speakers, I communicated. I went to massages. We became friends. Offered to work, trustworthy, said: you will succeed. I tried. I always knew that at any moment, in case of failure, I could return to Azerbaijan. Since that day, the receptionist and consultant have been my favorite jobs. Since 2003 I have earned a specialty.

Why did I stay here? Because the spa is a good thing. I have a good team. I choose it myself. Suleiman since 2008 works. He grew up a true “professional”, I taught him. He has diplomas and loves work, so clients invite him to Moscow, Riga for four or five years. I do not stop. Now I look forward to the opening of my spa (we will be working from June). There will be a lot of work. I hope so. The hotel spa staff earn between 300 and 2000 euros. Most – about 1500 euros – massage specialists. The average salary in Turkey is 300 euros, the pension is 150 euros ”.

Do you feel the consequences of the kovid? What impact has it had on your business, life, goals or plans? I think the kovid exists, but I don’t pay much attention to it. I communicate a lot, I am constantly among people, but I am not afraid. I am as confident as any normal, conscientious person. I feel bad, but I did not take the test. Just two months ago, I was not feeling any way. I felt the temperature, although I did not measure it, I did not take the tablets. I did not come home for 10 days. He was lying. The bones were broken, the muscles ached. Heart pounded a bit, I felt a sharp pain in my lungs and neck area. But I just did not go home, I ate healthy food, I did not drink alcohol. Although … (smiles), I’m not lying, in two weeks what was 50 grams of vodka. After lunch. It is possible that these symptoms were my kovid experience. Now, a few months later, he was testing. Antibody levels are low. I have no idea how they count them there. Mysticism.

And the consequences of the kovid are felt throughout the world. Turkey is no exception. I communicate with the people of Russia, Ukraine, badly everywhere. I don’t know how you are in Europe.

During the strictest quarantine, the curfew (starting at 8 pm) it is not possible for people 65 and older to take to the streets. Cruel. But it’s necessary. In Russia, about 150 million people and 10,000 get sick a day. Something is wrong here. 78 million in Turkey and 60,000 in Kidida. Everything is open there, with us, on the contrary. Trukija had many relapses, at least my acquaintances. Everyone is already getting used to this situation. There is nothing here to prevent communication between them. It is possible to visit relatives. But the elemental order is followed very strictly. Discipline: high due to masks, distances.

I respect the laws of Turkey. In Russia, my acquaintances are filming live scenes where masks are not used anywhere, discos, shops, hairdressers, people work only for the eyes and while the police see masks. I can’t comment much on vaccines because I don’t scrupulously follow the situation. I have only heard that the Turkish people are being vaccinated. Both young and old. The Chinese and German vaccines are the most popular. (Turkey is currently announcing that it has invented its own vaccine and is admitting Sputnik.) Those who want to work in hotels have been specially vaccinated. I will not get vaccinated. Best tested. As I understand it, as far as I am concerned, this dangerous virus has been around before. Now he raised it, coming up with a good name. I don’t know exactly and I have no proof of you on the plate. But I see: it works very well as a means of psychological pressure and control. A more severe virus will come. Will we continue to obey in this way? I think so. People tend to swim downstream. “

I would like to know what you would change to be the one to decide the situation in every state. “I would not change anything. That must be the case. Let it be. Everything will flow in its own groove. It would only be good not to suffer an overdose of pressure. There are already massive events in the squares and people without masks, and in the same square there are He films the president of Turkey, they keep their distances, all with masks. Something funny and grainy. RT Erdogan is right to introduce the curfew. However, I think he will immediately lift the strict order. It will be easier to breathe both for tourists and for business. Because in that case, people tend to do the opposite. That’s Life (melts with a smile) “.

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