The Kaunas firefighter, repeatedly encouraged, was convicted as the creator of a prostitution ring: secretly he earned at least 53 thousand euros


For two years, the exclusive Narpliot case was closed. On Friday, the Kaunas Regional Court announced the verdict.

A. Černius has been found guilty of the offenses provided for in article 138, paragraph 1, of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania (minor health disorder, punishable by restriction or arrest or imprisonment of up to three years), article 147 (1 ). ) (trafficking in human beings, Article 307 (2) (profiting from the prostitution of another person – threatened with imprisonment of up to six years).

A. Cherni was sentenced to a cumulative prison term of four years, the execution of which has been suspended.

After summarizing all the sentences, firefighter A. Černius was sentenced to a combined sentence of 4 years in prison, the execution of which was postponed for two years, imposing punitive measures during this period: to continue working and studying, without leaving home. 24 hours to 6 hours, if not related to work or science.

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Algirdas Černius

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Algirdas Černius

The beginning of the postponement of the execution of the sentence will begin from the date of entry into force of the sentence.

In the event that the stay of execution of the sentence for A. Černis was revoked and the incarceration was effectively carried out, then the time from the arrest and detention from September 12, 2017 to March 9, 2018 would be included at the end of the sentence.

The preventive detention measures imposed on the convicted person – the written commitment not to leave and the obligation to periodically register with the police – are maintained until the sentence enters into force and will be revoked once it enters into force.

The younger brother of A. Černius, S. Černius, was also found guilty of committing the offenses provided for in article 233, paragraph 1, of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania (impact on the witness and the victim, punishable by public works or fine), Article 253 (1) (illegal possession of firearms, ammunition, explosives or explosives, punishable by arrest or imprisonment of up to five years).

He was sentenced to a general sentence of one year and six months in prison, prohibiting communication with those affected.

The prison period includes the time of detention from December 19, 2017 to December 21, 2017 (one day of deprivation of liberty is equivalent to two days of deprivation of liberty). Therefore, the sentence not imposed by S. Černius is a restriction of freedom of 1 year, 5 months and 24 days.

The beginning of the sentence will be calculated from the beginning of the execution of the sentence.

It was decided that the pre-trial detention measures previously imposed on Mr. Cherny – a written commitment not to leave and an obligation to regularly register with the police – would remain in effect until the sentence came into force and would be lifted once it entered into force. vigor.

You must return the 52 thousand won. euros

The Kaunas Regional Court fully satisfied the civil claim of the Kaunas Territorial Health Insurance Fund. A. Černius was ordered to pay 908.47 euros in pecuniary damage related to the costs of treating the victim AM.

The court partially confirmed the civil claim of the victim and civil plaintiff AM. It was decided to order 2 thousand from A.Černius to the victim. for moral damage.

It was also decided to confiscate the money received for the crime, which was found in SL (490 Eur), KN (50 Eur), AM (352 Eur), salon (70 Eur), in A.Černiai (2826.46 Eur). The money was transferred to the State Tax Inspectorate.

Pursuant to Article 72 (5) of the Penal Code, 52,945 euros were recovered from A. Černius, income obtained from prostitution.

The judgment can be appealed to the Lithuanian Court of Appeal through the Kaunas Regional Court within 20 days from the date of its publication.

He founded “erotic massage” salons

Brothers A and S. Cherni were convicted of serious illness, human trafficking, exposure to a witness, victim, illegal possession of firearms, ammunition, explosives or explosives, profiting from the prostitution of another person.

A.Černius was accused of finding and renting apartments, equipping premises and providing them with prostitution in various periods in the period from spring 2015 to September 2017, with the aim of making money from the prostitution of other people. This activity was disguised by the supposedly legitimate exotic massage services.

In the aforementioned premises and apartments, the firefighter created the working conditions for the provision of sexual services, set the rates for sexual services, found administrators working on the premises, and instructed to advertise the services by placing advertisements on the Internet about “massages. exotic “.

A. Cernius participated in hiring people, provided them with information about the nature and conditions of work, entered into subleases with them, instructed someone else to sign the premises as director of the company, paid the rent, collected by himself or by another person, following their instructions, the money received from the prostitution services they provided was distributed by dividing part of it among the people who provided the services, leaving the other part to themselves.

Kaunas County The LSC / Kaunas organized a prostitution business

Kaunas County The LSC / Kaunas organized a prostitution business

A prostitution ring in the city operated under the screens of two classic massage parlors. To avoid suspicion, clients were also received in those massage parlors: A.Černius took care of the special tables and other accessories, which supposedly bear witness to legal massages.

The prostitution ring was exposed by police officers posing as clients.

In this way, the prostitute firefighter-lifeguard received at least 52,945 euros in income from other people.

Marius Vizbaras / Photo 15min / Accused brothers Saulius and Algirdas Černiai

Marius Vizbaras / Photo 15min / Accused brothers Saulius and Algirdas Černiai

The vulnerable person has been appointed director

Encouraged and well regarded by the Fire and Rescue Service, A. Černius did not officially do all of this with his bare hands. After finding a vulnerable person and taking advantage of his vulnerability, he recruited him with the aim of exploiting the organization and management of prostitution.

A.Černius hired the victim as director of the company, thus seeking to disguise himself as the true perpetrator of criminal acts. In this way, the firefighter-rescuer acquired the victim’s dependence on him and, taking advantage of the vulnerability and dependence acquired, gave him instructions on the organization and management of prostitution.

The victim received scant sums of money to feed the specified tasks, and due to his inadequate performance he was subjected to physical violence and mental duress, screaming without censorship, humiliating him, threatening to evict him from the premises where he was staying, thus leaving him homeless.

He received at least 52,945 euros in income from the prostitution of others.

According to the case data, in September 2016 A. Černius even hit the victim with a blow to the right leg with metal reinforcement, after which he struck again when he fell to the ground, but when the victim covered his hand, the booster hit him. In this way, A.Černius caused a minor health disorder.

Kaunas County The LSC / Kaunas organized a prostitution business

Kaunas County The LSC / Kaunas organized a prostitution business

The brother tried to influence the witnesses

Saulius Černius, Algirdas’ younger brother, who was sitting in the dock, was convicted of learning that his brother was a suspect and detained in a pre-trial investigation into the organization and management of prostitution, seeking to influence a witness in this criminal case. to bear false witness.

In addition, S.Cernius acquired illegally, without permission, and illegally, without permission, stored low explosives.

Kaunas police recognized that this “business” was well organized. The investigation into navigating the prostitution ring lasted about half a year.

Data collected during the pre-trial investigation showed that the girls involved in this activity were serving in various rented apartments in Kaunas, the location of which was constantly changing. Advertisements for sexual services under the guise of exotic massages were placed on the popular online advertising portal.

1988 born A. Černius was arrested on September 12, 2017. At the same time, an assistant born in 1990, who was later recognized as a victim, was arrested and possibly fulfilling his duties. A. Černius has been charged with organizing human trafficking.

Since February 2019, the case has been heard behind closed doors in the Kaunas Regional Court.

Kaunas County The LSC / Kaunas organized a prostitution business

Kaunas County The LSC / Kaunas organized a prostitution business

Before the trial, it was known that the fire rescue fighter partially admitted his guilt. Above all, A. Černius denied the fact that he exploited a vulnerable “orphan” to develop this business, who was recognized as a victim in this case.

What an orphan he is! He is 27 years old. How did we meet? I rented an apartment “, about a victim who, according to the file, was fictitiously designated to run a prostitution ring, two years ago. 15 minutes A. Černius said.

Awarded with one star

During the pre-trial investigation, A. Černius was detained for six months. After his release, he continued his work in the 3rd Kaunas Fire Brigade. The news of his “extracurricular” activities was like a cold shower for his classmates. After all, A.Černius is a firefighter of the highest order.

In 2010, A.Černius received a thank you from the mayor of Kaunas for his quick work to eliminate the consequences of the storm.

In 2014, he received a thank you from the Kaunas kindergarten for participating in Road Safety Week, where A.Černius introduced children to the profession of firefighter. It was presented to you as one of the best examples.

In 2015, the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue awarded A.Černiai a star for merits to the State Fire and Rescue Service.

He started working as a firefighter in 2009.

After receiving information about a possible prostitution ring, an internal investigation was launched at the Kaunas County Fire and Rescue Board, which was suspended pending a judicial decision. To fire him, unless a conviction is handed down, no preparations are made.

After contacting the Kaunas Fire and Rescue Board after the adoption of this indictment, it became clear that A. Černius was no longer working as a firefighter.

Until A.Černius was arrested, he was not paid a salary.

Colleagues describe A.Černiai as an ace of his profession, because he is both a climber and a pilot, a very active firefighter in the rescue.
